Google Sheets SR Tracker, Statistics, & Data Collection

For whatever reason, I have always wanted to understand more about the inner workings of the SR and MMR system that Blizzard uses for Overwatch Comp. I have made a post or two proposing the idea of an in-game SR tracker just to see your average gain/loss per game, how certain aspects of gameplay affect this gain/loss, ect. I’m not one particularly fond of or familiar with data collection and statistics, but I decided that since I am so curious about all of this, I’d make my own SR tracker in Google Sheets that could perhaps give me a bit more insight into how this system functions.

It’s fairly basic as, like I said, I’m not all that familiar with data collection and analysis and whatnot, but that also means it’s pretty user friendly. To keep track, all you have to do is put your starting SR in the cell with a 0 (D1) and then after every match you play, you put your new SR in the B Column. The spreadsheet will keep track of the sum of your gains, losses, your net gain/loss, and the gain/loss from each individual match.
I put in a small section for notes about the match. (i.e. “Was DC’d and lost 50”, “3 Enemy Teammates left the match”, ect) because things like that do have an affect on your SR, and it’d be interesting to see that data looked into further I think.
There is 3 total sheets/tabs. They are all entirely the same however they’re labeled for Tank, DPS, and Support respectively. The formulas I made only go down to Row 250 because that seemed like a reasonable number for someone to track in a season, but if you need more all you have to do is copy and paste further down. I also think I made it look pretty damn purrdy if I do say so myself, but I digress.

I know this is likely super basic for a lot of people but I’m pretty proud of it and I thought it’d be nice to share for anyone else who would like to understand a bit more about the SR system and whatnot. I really have no idea what I’m doing or what my end goal is to be honest. I’m just writing down some numbers until someone smarter than I am comes along to guide me. Maybe you’re like I am and just want to see how the numbers go up and down, and are kinda peeved that there’s no in-game system for it, and if you are I hope this scratches that itch for you.

I’d be really interested to hear yalls take on this. I know that there are plenty of people out there in the community that are miles smarter and more knowledgeable than I am in this particular area, such as the profoundly intelligent Kaawumba. (Seriously, they have done some real deep dives into this kinda stuff here and I find it all entirely fascinating, check out their posts 100% if this is in your ballpark) I would love to get some feedback and advice on this going forward, and would be very intrigued to see something come of this little thing. Even more so if it were coming from people like Kaawumba who have already dipped their toes into this little niche.
Please don’t hesitate to throw your two-cents in. No really, please don’t hesitate because heckaber no do math good and no understand number. If you see an issue with what I threw together, or have any ideas on how to improve this little thing I have goin’ on, or even just want to call me a nerd, I am all ears and I am hoping that this will catch the eye of a few people who know these things better than I do. I’m just a college sophomore who’s majoring in theatre, I’m not good at this kinda stuff LOL.

Anyways, hope yall enjoy and have fun seeing the numbers change. If you have any other questions feel free to reach out to me on Discord @Jarquabes#1666 Cheers.

TL;DR: I made a Google Sheet to track your SR and I have no idea what I’m doing or what comes next. Someone who understands numbers and data collection/analysis please help me. I just want to understand how the system works so I can break it. Kappa. Sorry for the college thesis length post.



(Kaawumba Profile)

As soon as you figure it out will you let blizzard know how it works. I don’t think they have a clue what they are doing.

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Why do you think I’m doing this LMAO It’s like a murder mystery but the murderer doesn’t even know that they did it

You may want to also track the average team and enemy SR for your games, especially if you play with friends or stay as group. You will likely find a strong correlation between that and points gained or lost.

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  how do you access the file? i tried copy paste into my browser and it didn't work

Tektonic, you have to delete the spaces between “google” and “docs” and “com”. I wasn’t able to post an actual link so I had to space it out. Sorry for the confusion.

EDIT: I messed around with the original post so that you can directly copy and paste the link now, hopefully everything should work all fine and dandy.

I have some stuff from back in the day you might be of interest to you:

Blizzard has hidden a lot of statistics since then and things have changed (like the removal of pMMR modifiers for players above diamond). I’m very excited that you’re willing to contribute to a data pile. My latest endeavor was to try and see if level range mattered during the matchmaking process.

Dang this is really comprehensive and you can consider me a fan. Will definitely be taking a look into this and seeing how I can translate some of it to this new format of mine and all that fun stuff. I don’t like numbers but numbers are cool and having people like you makes numbers easier to like.
Feel free to reach out on discord or blizzard if you want to work together on number stuff. Most of my data is coming from my main account (this one) but I also have a level 20 alt account that I was going to use for support only. Could possibly provide some interesting data points on things like initial placements. Another point worth mentioning is that I almost exclusively duo support queue with a friend of mine so that might be something to look at too. Who knows, numbers are weird.

–P.S. My docs are more aesthetic kek–

Playing dress-up with data is what advertising firms do, but yes it is very pretty. :wink:

I was just curious as to if you are familiar with any way to automatically retrieve the stats of a player after each match? Is there an API or something that I could look into? If not, any insights as to your data collection methods from your previous posts would be fantastic.

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A while ago all profiles were open and all that data was available - since then Blizzard made profiles hidden by default so that way of collecting information was closed off.

My previous data was collected via Overbuff and good ol’ looking at player profiles.

It’s been awhile and I know they made some changes, but yes that’s how sites like overbuff work by scraping that data, there was a script that would pull a JSON from public profiles. I also think you have to close out of everything before it refreshes, so game-to-game stats are rough to automate. I did get it working at some point because I wanted map-specific stats but then stopped really caring about OW so did nothing with it.

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I’m a data-nerd and I also did this for a while (2 seasons)

I also kept comments on if there was a leaver/smurf/thrower on mine or the enemies team to see how the sr was effected. (and keep track of their names to look out for them in future games).

Here’s what I learned overall.

  • When I was climbing to where my skill actually was - I was earning/losing anywhere from 24-31SR.
  • When I reached my skill level, my SR gain/loss was anywhere from 18-24.
  • When I had a leaver on my team (depending on when they left) I lost anywhere from 8-18SR.
  • When I had a leaver on the enemy team, I gained anywhere from 10-15SR.

This was how I did my spreadsheet a while back, this was before role queue was a thing (if I did it now, I would have three different sheets in the book for each role) :slight_smile: it gave an interesting pattern actually.
