Goofy aah Paladins

Passive roles lmao. They really copied paladins

Edit: Jokes apart, this could actually allow for multiple playstyles

If it improves the game, I don’t care who they copy from. I don’t think I feel anything about these passives.

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Quickplay hacked is just an arcade mode… But in quickplay instead. It’s a gimmick, fam. I highly doubt it comes to the main game.


Is Paladins the only game with passives?
News to me.

It is the first FPS hero shooter that has passives.

Selectable passives you mean?

Is it the first game though? (it’s not)
Meaning they “stole” that idea from somewhere else.
Who cares, if you can make it work.

i like the loadout and card mechanics, and the ingame passive shop, but they have wayyy too many champions so it gets confusing. every champion on the roster is like 5x from all the different strats, but at least you know the enemy heroes as soon as the round starts, so you can choose the appropriate loadouts

Pip > Baptiste :point_up:
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Isn’t Paladins a game, that defacto copied almost everything from Overwatch/TF2?

Not really. TF2, perhaps. Overwatch borrowed from it too.

Well, Overwatch was released in 2016, while Paladins was releasd in 2018, which means Overwatch was first, and Paladins second.

According to OP’s logic, Blizzard came first with hero shooter team based moba style fps, so Paladins copied Overwatch, considering Paladins is more similar to Overwatch, than Overwatch is similar to TF2

Not with how they are implemented at all. Many of these are flat bonuses without trade off or conditionals.

-20% cooldown reduction is such a massive buff to nearly all supports that extra mov spd when on low hp is practically not even worth taking. The extra speed on low HP is an interesting bonus to low mobility heroes. You’d need more passives which have this activation cost or only take effect in X situation. Flat buffs shouldn’t really be considered.

-40% debuff duration solves a very real frustration on tanks with hard CC and given its limited activation (only useful against hard CC) makes it a relieve to tanks rather than a use in all situations.

the only problem is their is one best to use on each hero

Much like how april fools and creator tests add featurs that happen to pop in the main game. Some of these effects might be included as parts of a passive be it role or hero, or as part just something a new has in their kit.

We do know space ranger has some sort of “speed ring” as leaked by randomly adding the ability name in chat. “My speed ring is almost ready”

Also because it was she is most likely going to have baby like size, and have flight controls similiar to the creator event thing.

but that is tin foil hat stuff.

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I couldn’t keep up with the rate Paladins releases new heroes. When I try to dip back into it now I’m so out of date that I have no idea what’s going on. But I liked how in Paladins you picked a hero then chose items and loadouts to counter what the enemy team did. I guess if you really knew the game you’d also pick heroes based on enemy picks during team selection to min-max, but I was never that knowledgeable. For all the things I liked about it, it lacked a LOT of OW’s polish and fluidity. I frequently suffered from basic problems like abilities just not firing when you hit them. Also the maps felt like they got old and bland very quickly, compared to OW.

That all said, I have no issue with OW taking ideas that worked in Paladins to make the game better. Not like Paladins didn’t do the same. I remember tanks in Paladins were much more fun to play than in the majority of OW. I loved playing the turtle tank dude, Makoa IIRC? Their whole implementation of the tank class was excellent from my experience, especially compared to OW.

Hey it can couteract counterplay, I actually wouldn’t mind it in the game permanently tbh (obviously with tweaks) I do think picking the passives should come at a cost tho, maybe even with a penalty.

They’ve been doing that since the beginning, the thing is that when Overwatch copies, no one says anything, but when it’s another game that copies, even in the smallest way, everyone raises torches.
In the case of Paladins, it’s quite easy to notice that many of the mechanics of the first OW characters are based on the mechanics of Global Agenda, which is the prequel to Paladins (Paladins was literally called Global Agenda 2 when it was announced in 2012). To give an example of this, Mercy is very similar to the Medic from Global Agenda.

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Makoa was a template for actually good Roadhog…

That’s not how it works. You’re ignoring a thousand things about paladin development.

Paladins was initially announced in 2012 as Global Agenda 2 and was scheduled to be released in mid-2013. which would be the sequel or the spiritual sequel to the pvp mode of Global Agenda. The game changed its name several times, in the end the developers renamed the game as Paladins in early August 2015. The game had pre alpha and alpha versions during 2015 but were not shown until August 3, 2015 when news channels like IGN were given permission to show the game content. The Paladins closed beta started on November 17, 2015. In the Open Beta, the game appeared on September 16, 2016, in the Steam Early Access program.