Good News - Cheaters at all time LOW

Cheating isn’t at an all time low, you just think that everyone with good aim is a cheater.

yeah that’s because tracer is garbage, like wtf are you on about. People like dafran are playing Zarya, because it’s the meta

Queue up right now – Monday night. Any mode. You’ll change your mind.

If that were true then wouldn’t I say that a lot of people are cheating? Why would I suddenly say I haven’t seen a cheater in weeks? I’m saying I don’t see anyone cheating at all, match after match after match not a single cheater. You gotta have someone proof read your stuff before you put it up, makes no sense.

What about the people who were maining widow, and hanzo etc? Zarya has been meta for multiple seasons, why would anyone suddenly start now? You haven’t thought this through, lucio main.

Because Goats is meta and Widow/Hanzo is trash against Goats?

Because meta changes.

Literally worst excuse you could come up with.

Only because you say so =/= proof, you are talking nonsense right now. Like … you literally trash this guy for the exact same reason we are trashing you, good job! Provide proof of an actual streamer using hacks or stop seeking attention.

They have to play other heros because Goats is just meta … deal with it, jesus

Tell you what, go find a video of a 100% cheater from youtube, post it here and see what happens.

Prove me wrong. It’ll be great.

Dude you literally have 319 Posts in this forum and act like you never ever wanna risk a forum ban, funny you.

Also i don’t have to proof anything to you. You guys are accusing streamer to cheat and your only excuse is that you cant upload nor (for some reason ? ) Give us a name / video title at all. Just stop, no one believes you anyways.

You have to prove you are worth talking to. So you’ve insulted, attacked, ridiculed, and misspelt your way through this thread while providing nothing of substance.

Pure artwork.

Why ? Because some tilted gold player thinks that people who are better than him are cheating ? No thanks, there are like 10 other people like you creating similar threads & its amazing to read.

Edit, just saw that you are one of those people blaming the SR / MMR system for being bad. Keep going bud.

Your responses are so bad I just tried to click “avoid as teammate” on your profile.

I didnt see cheater for like 1,5 year and then i see this topic lol. Sorry but its nonsense.

Thank god I’m not playing the game on your mmr. You can save that avoid spot.

So far you still havent provided an actual clip or anything related to the topic. I wonder if you actually believe yourself.

You can’t hack abilities because they’re not client side, and getting a hanzo ult up is entirely possible in 20 seconds.

I’m gold border and play in the higher ranks where “cheaters” would be. I have seen literally 3 definite cheaters in 800 hours. Sounds like someones mad because they lost a comp game lmao

Then you either don’t know what modern cheats look like or you’re cheating yourself.

Here. I found the video that will help you determine which of your fav streamers are legit or not.

Quote from the creator of video.
"I’ve met with blizzard regarding this issue actually and as impressed they were with the video they could not ban based on my say so (Policy wise). Unfortunately only a hit on their anti-cheat will get you banned. So if you’re a programmer or know a programmer that can make a hack that is undetectable then it’s fair game for cheating. "

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it does, it’s just in fights( depending how intense the fight is) the console will sometimes dip into 45-35 fps, very rare tbh.

Great, now how am I going to blame the Widow that keeps dinking me?

That video is a year old, its still relevant as pixel bots are still a thing until Blizzard can do something about detecting them, which they cannot right now because Pixels Bots are not inject-able programs. They are just screen scanning overlay scripts, mostly made with programs like AHK which is usually for Macro’s and auto-keying menus.

The only way to bust these types of cheaters is to record a video, upload and submit the links to blizzards hack report page. I’ve done it many times so far, pretty much so far its a near 100% guarantee to log in with a “Thank You for Reporting” at the main screen.

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