Good News - Cheaters at all time LOW

I’ve been vocal about the amount of cheating that is in Overwatch, I call it out when it’s bad, but right now, things are about as good (low cheating) as I have ever seen.

Blizzard must have released a major cheat patch because not only am I not seeing any cheaters (literally zero) in any of my games, but the big news is that even the major/most popular Overwatch streamers who have been cheating for months/years aren’t cheating- Blizz must have found a way to patch/prevent the very professional high-end hacks they were using.

I have skimmed through some of the recent videos of “pro” OW streamers who used to be “god-like” with hero’s like Hanzo…but right now?’s laughable, actually laughable how bad their aim is compared to what it used to be. Not to mention, their entire aiming style has changed, it’s like I’m watching a different person play. No more cheats, no more god-aim-Hanzo.

Pro streamers that used to use mei with God-aim suddenly never using mei ever because they can’t.

Other major pro streamers that used to use tracer 95% of the time and play like a God now rarely use tracer, or just use hero’s like zarya. When they do use tracer, it just looks like “good” aim, like, they’re better than most people but not completely insane like they used to be where they one clipped everyone and rarely missed a track.

Is your favorite streamer suddenly not using the hero they typically do? Hmm, I wonder why.

Right now there is probably no better time to play and try to rank up, try to see how your hitscan shot really holds up at your rank. Will the cheats be back?..probably, but for now they are in check and Blizzard has done a GOOD JOB. I will gladly play this game many hours despite its issues while there are no cheats. Also, to all the people who are downranking now that your cheats are patched I say, “gg ez”.

Feels good man.


I’ve seen a lot of suspicious plays in the game still. A few days ago played against a Moira who would repeatedly fade twice seconds apart (her cooldown for the ability is 6 seconds, I was also playing Moira and I’d fade, she’d fade, and when she was almost dead, she’d fade again while my fade was still on CD). Played with a Hanzo on my team yesterday who fired off two ults within 20 seconds of each other, hit no one with his first ult, than when our Zarya used her ult 20 seconds later and caught 4 of the enemy team in it, our Hanzo ulted again. I know Hanzo can get his ult up fast, but I think the fastest he can do it is like 30 or 40 seconds. I’ve even played with some guys who were obviously using an aimbot and wallhacks (and no, they weren’t playing 76 or Widow).

I’ve reported all the people I’m suspicious of, and I’ve gotten a number of notifications that action has been taken.

As for patches it’s incredibly easy to bypass them, I think usually within 24 to 48 hours the programmers have updates to bypass the patch. Chances are if those streamers really did use hacks, they probably stopped using them for other reasons (IE Bliz told them to either stop hacking or get banned and be outed as a hacker). And considering Twitch bans streamers who get caught hacking, I think this is a better reason than a new Bliz patch.

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Wrong I only lose because the enemies are cheating, and I lose alot soooo.

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Well, you cant really hack ablity cool down and ult charge, those are on server side, a client cheat cant alter those value. Aimbot for projectile hero only works in close range unless the target dont move. I once charged my hanzo ult under 20sec, since enemy hog feed my ult charge, it was on horizon map, I can see my first dragon outside window when my second dragon is ready lol.

without providing any examples you dont make alot of sense and just sound like the salty guy who blames everything on hackers. if streamers were hacking and blizz did a ban wave, wouldnt they be banned?


Okay, than explain how I faded first, he faded right after me, than he faded again while I was still on CD from my first fade? It’s either a hack or they found a bug they could abuse in order to use abilities while they should be on CD.

And contrary to your claim, server side can and has been hacked. Any decent programmer will tell you that there are numerous vulnerabilities in online games that allows anyone with a good amount of knowledge to gain access to the server. Take for instance the “NPC hack”, character selection is server side, yet a group of players were able to bypass that and pick NPC’s to play in the game.

Blizzard has a nasty habit of keeping things quiet unless someone comes out and says something, like the DNS rebinding hack that has apparently been around for a long time.

The enemy team only had a Reinhardt for a tank, no Roadhog. The guy was also really really bad at Hanzo.

??? this has to be a troll post. I’m not sure what streamers you’re watching but nothing seems to have changed.

Well, those NPC glitch was a bug on the server, which got patched pretty quickly. Network delay sometimes can make you think that enemy has shorter cooldown. I played more than 1000hr of comp matches, I did saw a few aimbot, but never notice anyone cheat with ult charge and cool down. If there is cheat like that, why some Koreans need ddos attack server to win matches?

Also, no offensive, but cheaters in lower ranks like gold is very rare, since they will climb to higher ranks very quickly.

They rarely do banwaves, they just patch the hacks and they stop working. Some things have changed drastically with some major streamers but I’m not allowed to say names.

I have the exact opposite experience. It might be useful to point out that I’m in low-mid Gold and geographically I access the Chicago OW server.

Most games – and by that I mean a large majority – have at least one 2-stack on each team, and at least one high-level solo queue player (silver or gold border, though I’ve seen a few plat borders and two diamonds). The 2-stacks are of wildly different SRs, usually Silver/Gold, but sometimes Silver/Plat. I’ve suspected them of being boosters for a while, but lately a few of them have actually admitted it in chat. Aside from what I’ve seen, there was a story on, I think, Reddit recently where someone was in a match with a booster who went nuts and spilled his guts about how he’d been playing for nearly an entire day for a boosting company and he’d had enough. There’s a whole sub dedicated to OW boosting, and many Discords. I’m certain that the majority of the sub-GM cheating in this game is a result of the boosting industry.

By far the most blatant and egregious boosting group I’ve seen was last week, where a Bronze was grouped with two Golds. Then the Bronze guy left the group, but stayed on the team, so at a glance it looked like a Bronze player had solo queued into Gold. The remaining 2-stack was, to understate it, obviously cheating.

Anyway, the cheating has been horrible and even more obvious than usual for my games. Every match starts the same – looks like a Gold match. Then there is the “toggle on moment” where the aimbots come alive. This is always after a team wipe, but not always the first wipe – sometimes it’s the second or third push late in the first round. Sometimes there’s no “toggle on” until late in the second round. If that doesn’t solve the problem, then there’s the “rage mode moment” when the dial goes up to 11 and there is no attempt to hide the cheating. The same McCree who was easily ambushed and couldn’t hit anything unless it was standing still, now is snapping to heads and doing 180s to unseen targets. The Hanzo who you barely noticed in round 1 is now ulting in every team fight and getting nothing but fast-snap headshots. You can’t even sneak up on them as Sombra – 180 headshot, sometimes while you’re still in stealth.

I report them all, but it’s almost an empty motion because they’re all throwaway accounts. Nobody is cheating on their “main” or even their “smurf.” A lot of them even have TOS-violating names, like they want people to know this is a throwaway account.

They don’t always win – sometimes they get countered by smurfs or just really good players, or lone wolf boosters – but they usually do. Only thing you can do is hope you’re on the side that they’ve decided is going to win.

Strangely enough, I actually encountered cheaters for the first time that I can confidently say they were cheating.

they just publicly banned 18,000 accounts for toxic behavior. i’m pretty sure you could accuse streamers of hacking, why would that be against any rules it’s only your opinion. i would have to see the footage myself.

just get a console 4head, all you gotta deal with is terrible 30 fps every 1v1, uncontrollable joy sticks, and trash teammates, like me (currently diamond, here come every pc gamer to sh!t on me with their top 500 placement.)

They are still present, probably not as many as it was during the last 2 seasons which was unusually high. The ones im coming across still are the ones he seem to think its ok (its never ok) to leave an aimbot running with Melee heroes. The damn aimbots flake out and juggle when enemies are in swing distance. On the other end of it, it is getting harder to tell some cheaters now, mainly aimbots with how subtle and “human-like” the tracking and lock-ons are. I saw the first ever wallhacker last night for me since release. It was an Ana wallhacking and tracking everyone, they didnt even bother to hide it. Every kill replay you can watch them following you and your friendlies through a wall and instantly firing the second a few of your pixels become visible around a corner.

But all in all, i would say its a little bit lower.

Please give me just one “big streamer” who you think was cheating before. “Calling out” public streamers probably isn’t against TOS, especially if these streamers are as big as you claim.

30fps? I thought both xbox one and ps4 run ow at 60fps.

Get a two week ban from forums for posting a link to a youtube clip proving a player cheats?

No thanks. No one fall for this please.

Cheating isn’t at an all time low, you just think that everyone with good aim is a cheater.

yeah that’s because tracer is garbage, like wtf are you on about. People like dafran are playing Zarya, because it’s the meta

Queue up right now – Monday night. Any mode. You’ll change your mind.