Good Moira rework

Make her do more healing but get rid of her ability to sometimes damage your through walls.
also make her dummy thicc cuz I want to have a nice deathmatch experience without some stick figure stealing my kills and then me not being able to hit them

This was your true intention wasn’t it


Yes because heroes that don’t require aim should be easier to hit!

Get rid of damage orb completely.

Oh God

How about we just give moira star platinum, that way she can’t beat the sh** out of you without getting close

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Also a good idea! …

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I would be ok with damage orb being removed if they instead gave her some other support ability. She has no utility.

Yeah, for a healer she isn’t very…healerie

Any ideas on a replacement ability that fits her character? I’m coming up dry. Being able to pull an ally to you sounds awesome until you realize that trolls would just use it to pull ally’s into the well in illios and off cliffs.

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Maybe put down some sort of healing device like Soldier?
( idk either😂)
I dislike her enough without her being able to kill me whilst on my own team!

In star platinum terms: ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA


The bug with her ultimate voice line is just Blizzard getting ready to replace it with ORAORAORAORA

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More like “yare yare daze”

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only if you play her that way.


if you focus on healing silly tanks and low skill dps you’ll feel like a heal stick soon enough

Well she already looks like one!

hmm, that’s a fair point

did you just

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