Good job smurfs, you win

i give up, i cant beat you smurfness. i give up on playing comp

(dont bother responding with the “get good” or learn how to play because im not going to check this post)

My prostate biopsy was more fun than solo que’ing support

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Smurfs are probably 0.5% of the player base.
I CLEAN UP some games and get rolled others.

It’s the horrid match maker and rank system putting people where they don’t belong is the problem. There’s gold players who can’t hold a mouse and gold players who play better than diamond.


Post your replay codes?

Their system is broken though.

I was playing tank on an old account.

That account has a long history, but not in the last 5 seasons at least. Including the so called “reset” that happened in season 8?

So, I did the placements. Went 9-1-0 and basically monkey stomped the lobbies on Tank except for the 1 game with a 200 damage in 5 mins Widow who also left the game. Otherwise the 9 wins were completely 1 sided stomps in my favor with me getting 30+ kills with zero or 1 deaths.

And yet after 10 “placements” and considering the account was not played for multiple seasons and remeber the so-called mmr reset

The account placed in Silver something.

Exactly where it was 7 seasons ago :rofl:

I don’t belong there, and it explains why the games are so easy.

But… the system is not working. It should have pushed me up with placements at the very least. The reset did nothing.

My tanking is usually high plat.

The same thing happened with the dps role, so after placements it went nowhere.
I did manage to grind it to where it belongs but that was many many games to get to the proper rank. And I think there is a large portion of the players that simply won’t grind comp enough to get an accurate placement.

Here lies the core of the issue :smile:

Don’t you worry, we’ll teach you in QP/arcade/other games, you know what they say: “Why do you smurf (in QP)” that’s how dumb it is. Instead of actually learning, you practice your giving up mentality. The more players like you, the better it is for the smurfs.