Gonna say it again, I see simliarity between Brig and Sym Nerfs again

Way, way, way, back. Sym used to be strong. (In the beginning of the beta, with Zen and Genji.) But she was the only closed range support with a shield (eventually), she started to get nerfs upon nerfs. Till she was basically in the ground for more then 3/4 of a year.

Till they decided to rework here and she ending being the dps we know today.

(I have to admit it, she was always meant to be a dps, but I think Support don’t have to heal got to Blizzards heads.)

(Honestly even today, I am not completely pleased with how Sym has turned out. Her Teleporter and Reaper’s Teleporter need to be reworked into something new. (Likely something similar to DF Ult, where you go in 3rd person for a “placement” but that a different issue.)

Back to Brig… I believe, judging her kit Brig was purposed to be a healing Off Tank. But demand for a healer and confusion about “all healing but equal Support”. Likely effected her design.

Yes nerfed Brig we know now will now be more situational at higher levels like Sym very used to be.

But if we don’t Switch Brig to the Tank role and just get it done with.

We are more punishing ourselves just so we can have 6 “Supports”.

But then again maybe Devs already know this. (Why we are hearing more about healers then Tanks for the upcoming heroes.)

(We have to follow the time schedule apparently even though they likely already have some heroes ready to help the balance. Etc.)

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While i think, leaving your character immobile and out of view is a little risky, i want these changes to Reaper and Sym. And Reaper to stop shouting REPOSITIONING! to blow his cower.

I could imagine Brig as an off tank with a complete rework. Geoff said, theres no planned rework but we can only hope.

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…Do you even Mercy?

Hiding works in Overwatch.

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Yes thats true

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I feel like Devs are intentionally holding certain heroes into certain places, just to fulfill something that makes the game look good even though it doesn’t make the hero good.

Just look at this latest patch. It was likely aimed at a certain audience of players. (Not saying the pros either.)

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