Golden Gun Stolen?

I’m used to Overwatch’s garbage by now, but has anyone else had a golden gun literally removed from their account? I realized that my Kiriko golden gun has been removed but the comp points have not been refunded.

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Devs comment about the matter (Click–>) Halloween Update Missing Golden Gun - #7 by Ironthorne-1733

Yes, I and many others are currently having this issue. I have made a general thread about this issue as well located below if you want to check it out for yourself

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I just want my refund for unlocking dooms gun 3 times on my separate linked accounts what a waste

thank you. it’s a relief it’s not just a me thing.

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Trust me, I was worried as well, but as soon as I received that it is a bug, I was relieved as well… even though it is extremely frustrating.

what isnt about this game…

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honestly… this just concludes that OW2 was not and still is not ready