Gold to Bronze in 3 Seasons - Thanks to leavers

I guess, what do you think about this:

If I’m in a 6-stack with friends, and none of us will ever leave, then my team is less likely to have leavers than the enemy team, right?

Now downgrade to a 5-stack with friends. My team’s still less likely to have leavers, yeah?

Now downgrade to a 4-stack, 3-stack, 2-stack, and finally to a 1-stack playing solo - and I think the same logic still holds true. As long as I never leave, and the 6th guy on the enemy team might leave, then my team is less likely to have leavers.

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Why are you leaving games then? Of course you are deranking.

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Yeah, she does when I play her as well…

When Tesla plays her aggro in low ranks, his damage and heals are similar. And his heals are decent.

He also uses ult more to kill than to heal. He likes to target squishies to kill one in 3 seconds.

My Lucio does similar heals, but also drops beats, boops enemies, speeds allies, etc.
Why I do better on him than Moira.

I was struggling with this as zen for a while, but figured out the issue. Basically when I was the higher ranked healer on the team and offhealed, the main tank was dying too easily.

the rule of thumb is always have your orb on the main tank when it’s not healing a squishy that is low. Also, prioritize heal over damage unless your team is staying alive but failing to get kills (usually means the other healer is doing their job for once

as for carrying with moira through the low ranks, it’s not really that hard. just get an ult every minute, no excuses. don’t die unless you kill one of the top 3 best players on the enemy team, and focus on just getting ult and carrying with it.

below plat players can’t even charge ult consistently, so providing consistent ults will win you games.

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You probably lost several consecutive games due to smurfs, boosted accs and leavers, then continued to play in a tilted mind set.

It’s a shame that they don’t punish these players more severely or in the case of smurfs and boosted accs they haven’t actively done anything to rectify the issue.

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Considering there’s a roughly 50/50 leaver split (either you have or enemy has leavers) this statement is factually false… :wink: :upside_down_face: :rofl:

Happen to me too. Luckly Im having fun no matter what rank haha

Il be honest, I think when you do your very first comp. Unless you’re just terrible. They will usually put you in low gold, and most people tend to fall off about 600 SR from there.

So he’s part of the smurfing problem, is what you’re saying.

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To be fair, pissing in the swimming pool is bad. Pissing into a cess pit doesn’t make much difference.

Except for the people who are in that cesspit, and who would like maybe a little less cess in their pit. You see what I’m saying?

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Except the chances of getting a smurf are roughly 50/50 (not in the players favor as they take up a slot.

So ultimately it’s almost a non-condition for why a player is ‘stuck’ or is losing sr… :wink:

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It’s a lost cause now. No enforcement as smurfs and trolls are most of their revenue. And making comp troll free won’t bring back old players.

Hoping ow2 sets a good example.

Redshell gets 300k yt views trolling in bronze.
Meanwhile proper gm streamers get a small fraction of that.

That’s what comp has descended to.

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If your picking moira you probably should be dpsing imo. If not there’s better healing supports out their.

I mean her healings not bad… but only in some cases.