anyone play comp just to grind the gold guns ?? they look cool so I wanna start playing just to get the guns
I stopped caring to bother.
you should, play ranked as if it was quickplay, goldens are better than getting nothing for playing
that makes sense holy snap thats an awesome view
No i got gold guns for all my mains back in 2018
I used too, but now that you only get like a third as many points from end of season rewards it’s not worth the trouble
i mainly play qp now because i already got gold guns for all my mains ! (mercy, widow, sym, dva, sombra, brig, ashe)
I have basically just been treating OW2 as a daily battle pass grinder. Put in my 30 minutes or so, and stop for the day. I prefer QP because it’s quicker… I don’t want my 30 min - 1 hour on the game being in one awfully balanced comp game.
I also have golden guns for a lot of heroes I care to have them for… (Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Sigma, Zarya, Doomfist, Reaper, Brigitte). But I’m also sitting on around 2500 comp points… need to bear and grin it to get my next 500 and then just save the CP so I can determine who from new heroes to get.
Yeo. Me. There is literaly no other reason for that toxic mode.
I remember the old days where I would get a gold gun at the end of each season since it gave 3000 points.
I used to until Blizzard paid me off.
Why would you want to grind gold guns… ?
They do nothing.
People spend money on the skins holding this franchise back. Gold guns are at least earnable in-game without needing to wait a year or whatever.
I haven’t played comp in OW2 because the matchmaking is horrible. Until they fix it, why bother putting myself through it.