*goes one dev update without mentioning mercy*

Doomfist being OP, Brigitte hate, people asking for mercy buffs, broken comp system, etc…

Keep in mind the particular crowd you’re talking about and how they operate on these forums, the school of thought they subscribe to, etc. and it makes absolute sense they would react that way.

Even though Mercy was addressed-- just not singularly. They addressed the support heroes as a whole rather than individually. They just didn’t hear what they wanted to hear.

But yeah. Mercy’s totally being ignored. :roll_eyes:


This is the most ignorant post ever


Yeah the devs never seem to balance heroes en masse, it’s always overbuffing or overnerfing a select few heroes people whine about (and they nerf in reaction to whining, not to balance.) Keep being vocal and let’s have an overbuff for one of those, shall we?

Roadhog had his megathread on the old forums, but it was mostly a trash bin that the devs made so they didn’t have to listen to us. We realized they didn’t want our feedback, so we kind of gave up on that fight.

That’s my perspective at least. Doesn’t help that they nerfed him even more for no reason whatsoever, despite no one complaining about him.

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Mercy mains think Mercy needs to have it the best. I mean they already weren’t meta for what season 1-3 so that means Mercy must be good. They can’t take a hint that sometimes in a game like Overwatch their hero always isn’t going to be the best and for a game to be fun the meta needs to change which means some heroes aren’t always going to be in the meta.


You are speaking the language of logic. This is not understood by mercy’s. They only speak drama/narcicism. That is why nothing is ever good enough for them even though they have gotten the most attention of any hero. I’m sure bastion/hog/reaper would love even a tenth of the attention mercy has gotten.

there are.
nobody denying this.

HOWEVER OW devs waste time.

Mercy didnt need full rework. she needed a buff reverted (god mode during mass rez) and a decaying ult when not healing/dmg boosting for 3sec. (decay to aroudn 80% so you couldnt ever hide and mercy again)

Wasted time on that.

Sym has had many reworks too.

time wasted.

hanzo, d.va, etc all changed when they were “ok”.

The ones who NEED the help are high niche heroes.

bastion is in place of high dmg turret. too much durability = cant kill him b4 he kills u. he needs a look at what he should be and re-built aroudn that.

Reaper is a tank killer…with short range and low health and mobility. TBH if they swapped his shadow teleport to soemthign else…and gave a bonus vs armor he’d be lots better.

Hog…is a hp sponge. He is one of the deadliest tanks but has NO defensive skills…leaving him at a disadvantage in a game with guns, snipers, and other stuff you dont WANT to get hit by.

Activision Blizzard won’t revert buffs because that would mean admitting to mistakes.


What community? Are you talking about some other community I was not aware of?

Exactly lol 20 chars btw

Yes, I agree, your post really is ignorant.

Nice one!!


Who is Bastion? Did they release the new hero already??

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literally any hero can contribute something ,doesn’t mean they’re good.

I miss when roadhog was good

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well i mean are you surprised? the majority of mercy complaint threads are essentially
“im mad because blizzard nerfed the only hero i can play to get out of gold”
becasue it takes a lot of skill to hold m1 and get to plat :confused:

its funny and strange for a few reasons
Firstly, i dont think any one would argue (except for maybe the mercy mains/onetricks) that mercy generally speaking has the lowest skill floor of any hero in the game… i mean heck you barely need to have any skill in aiming what so ever… Yet of all the heros in the game and players who main them… we never see any other group of hero mains complaining and spaming the forums…

the low skill floor and the spaming of the forums with every nerf demanding it be reverted, cant be a coincidence

play a diffrent hero or suck it up. i mean honestly all i can see from all of these players whining about mercy is basically them being upset they got to plat or higher maining mercy for so long… now suddenly her viablity takes a hit and all the mercy mains/one tricks grab their pitchforks and torches… because now there in a lower sr bracket, and there mad that they cant M1 their way out of it easily anymore

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It would be too much reading for a lot of people. Having more than one hero an a thread meant to outline everything about that hero will make people not even read the beginning.

The large thread would be a basic rundown, while it would link individually to the actual explanations and long posts…

The idea is a thread that simply puts it all in one place, as apposed to everything being spread out over so many posts and threads that it becomes hard to find out what people Actually want.