God forbid someone has mechanical talent

An individual win? Agreed. However, if you are consistent at winning over with a hero over hundreds of matches it absolutely shows proficiency with that hero.


It’s not just as a reply to that thread, the thread is the catalyst for all the recent hitscan hate. Aim is looked down upon by the forum hivemind because most of the hivemind can’t/won’t improve their aim, but cry on the forums to nerf hitscans.

I know. It wasnt relevant to an individual players success or lack of it.

You can only judge the relative difficulty of a hero when looking at the entire playerbase. Only then can you see how inconsistent or not the hero is for most people.

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This is culturally what humans do; every action will inevitably lead to a counter-action if pushed too far. No surprise at all really.

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If I can’t be rewarded for good gameplay because of dumb teammates why should you get rewarded for clicking on something?


When the top of the ladder is absolutely dominated by hitscans…
When OWL is absolutely dominated by hitscans…

There’s a problem. You need multiple playstyles and types of heroes to be effective across a variety of maps to have a successful game that’s true to the developer’s stated wish that no comp or strategy dominates in all areas.

Everything needs to be situationally useable, not just a handful of hitscan aim heroes dominating every possible comp and being must picks.


There were plenty of threads about hitscans being OP and easier before this.

It is not frowned upon, albeit, I do think that people undervalue the skill.
People complain about hitscans dominating the majority of the match because they have onpar/better kits and/or weapons despite being easier to use and more consistent.


That doesn’t address the point.

And now we’re starting to reach the point. What is difficult or not depends on the situation. It depends on the rank, the map the team comps, current hero balance, etc.

To answer your question Junkrat is easy in some ranks and difficult in others. It depends.

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Not an individual win. If most players are unable to win with a hero at a given rank that does mean that hero is difficult (at that rank)

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:clap: mechanical :clap: skill :clap: does :clap: not :clap: excuse :clap: a :clap: hero :clap: from :clap: being :clap: broken :clap:



Think of it this way, if widowmaker did 100 damage on a headshot would she be easier or harder to win with? The skill to reward ratio would be dumb as you would need to be so incredibly good that you would be better off on other heroes.

The same thing happens in reverse. If widowmaker is doing 600 damage a headshot now you can do less and still be better than a 300 headshot widowmaker to get the same value.

If its easier for you to get to top 500 with widowmaker than it is with Symmetra, who is really easier?


In a way it is. That’s because what is most difficult depends on the situation. We can however make statements such as x hero is generally more difficult to successfully play in y rank.

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Agreed, if you are playing the most optimum hero at all times and always have an advantage hero wise versus someone than you than its easier to climb. But if you refuse to follow the meta or play the most optimum heroes and still get to top 500, than you are of rarer breed and even more deserving of that spot.

Being the fastest at 100m dash is impressive, being the fastest at 100m dash with a ball and chain around your ankle is heroic.

I actually have more respect for off meta heroes at my rank than those that play optimum heroes at my rank.


Projectile hero’s are balanced around low ranks god forbid they actually balanced them around high ranks bronze and gold would have a fit

Yeah when it becomes much harder to preform well on the less mechanical hero’s

It takes much more skill to preform at the same caliber as the most effective hitscans with a character like sym. Your positioning has to be much better

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Skill-intensive heroes should be numerically slightly better than more accessable heroes. However the difference shouldn’t be very big; all heroes should be viable at all levels of play (with the possible exception of OWL-level).

Also, when I say ‘skill-intensive’, I don’t just mean aim.


That’s not what people are complaining about. People are complaining because even if you’re a mechanical god at aiming projectiles in the game, you’ll get less value on projectile than hitscan in almost every situation. Projectile hero kits have been completely gutted because of “muh skill”, leaving them with only their damage. Except their weapons don’t have consistency, making being good with them practically pointless in favor of hitscan, which isn’t exactly more difficult than projectiles are despite what people say. And no, being able to spam projectiles in the metal ranks doesn’t count as them being easy and should not be an excuse to leave projectile heroes in the garbage.


Sometimes it feels like they’re outright demonized.

Like, if you put in the time and practice and acquire that skill, suddenly it’s your fault why the game is bad?


Good idea. If they were smart they would delete Roadhog as well because he’s a hitscan enabler