GM1 end of season but got Master rewards?

I see.

But seeing that some people are reporting getting 0 competitive rewards whatsoever for every previous season doesn’t fill me with confidence.

Yeah. For example one of my accounts never received any reward for season 1 and that was never fixed. Not even a lower ranked title. Since this impacted so many people i imagine they’ll fix it though.

yeah i saw that post

but when i say uniform, i mean it didnt effect every role on an account AND i logged into 5 total accounts in that first hour (roughly) and only 1 of them decayed.

so i have no doubt that decay played a part but it almost felt targeted towards something.

Yeah same. Only the first account dropped but 30 minutes later every other account I have was boosted up. That’s why I’m thinking they hotfixed it fairly early into the first hour.

yeah thats probably what happened. but im so darn confused why it would selectively decay a role on an account with a role that already decayed.

you would assume if 1 decayed then all 3 would of decayed.

On one of my alt accounts I stayed GM5 on support but my tank got boosted up from Plat 5 to Diamond 2 with only 13 wins. I don’t play tank and D2 is my tank peak on my main account. It seems really random.

It happened to multiple people, it’s because of broken matchmaking. Also if you stopped on a loss streak, it’s perfectly normal.

You think it’s perfectly normal to be moved from GM1 to Master 1 in one jump? That would have to be one hell of a loss streak. But the funny thing here is that I didn’t end on a loss streak.

Imaging doing you best to play against GMs only for you to get the rewards from you previous rank :clown_face:

And this is why competitive is such a joke.

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In reality, though, people will play even more to get back to the rank they want. I’m guessing this is shown in their statistics, hence why these “bugs” and “technicalities”, and decay are consistently happening. No competent developers would let this simple snapshot issue happen in their testing if it wasn’t at least intended.

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Money doesn’t get angry, salty, or annoyed. Money is money. If statistics show it is going up, it is going up. Easier to let it be until it starts going down and then fix it. Short of a boycott, this will always happen guaranteed.

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I ended the season on master 5, but when I entered the game I was in complete shock, because I got plat 1 reward, DUDE!!! PLAT 1 REWARD FOR MASTER 5!!!

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Went from end of season Plat 3 to Diamond 2, guess that’s an acknowledgement from the game that I have been stuck on awful tea.s and throwers the last two weeks of season 3.

I ended the season as platinum and it says I’m diamond. Must be because I didn’t play much to rank up.

from gm1 with ~65% w/r and replacing into gm1 over and over to be told grats on masters 2 xD

Congratulations indeed.

56% winrate here. My alt with 60% ish winrate stayed in GM5. So my GM5 alt has the GM title and my GM1 main doesn’t. :upside_down_face:

my 2 mid gm alts for practice/warmup both got their GM title as well seems like we’re in the same boat. The alts were both deranked to GM5.

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In my case, it was probably pity. I am a not a very good player, and was really struggling to climb, so maybe the game just decided to give me a higher rank and solve my problem.

yeah exactly.

i can understand why your tank went up conceptually because its supposed to show your “true rank” on that role.

so if you were plat 5 but your mmr was higher then of course it would think you belonged higher.

thats why one of my alts went from plat 2 to diamond 3

the real weirdness in my eyes is when 1 role would decay but the other wouldnt. because a few streamers had that happen where their main role would of decayed but their off roles were still at the peak

I’m not sure you understand the full extent of what I was trying to say. The account I’m posting from right now got deranked from D2 to P3. The other account got bumped from P5 to D2. If that’s not the real weirdness I don’t know what it.