so the last two days i been hardcore playing ashe. she is the hero that i swapped with widow before i discovered sombra. its pretty rough sometimes but in no way is she weak.
i dont think she needs a buff but yea if the new sombra wants you dead you have little chance to fight back UNLESS you have a babysitter healer or heals that will peel for you. very fast lightning reaction times or just hope the sombra is a newbie and you are lucky she leaves you alone or misses virus
there WERE games where the sombra really harassed/assassinated me. so i either switched to sombra since i know her very well to mirror or just go with the pain
still the plays of the game i got… there was no sombra. so yea im Glad there wasnt a sombra
Glad there wasn’t a Sombra is something that I say every game that there was not a Sombra.
I got crushed by an intelligent Sombra utilizing all the high ground off angles on that Brazilian map. It was tragic because she only died 3 times and they were all solo kills by me. She should have died about 8 times, but nobody helps the grumpy Reaper guy peeling for his la la land supports. So annoying to waste your shadow step to get to high ground and she just teleports away… To the other highground. 
And despite how she was eviscerating the entire lobby, she had to swap. I hate this character so much. Ruins the fun of everybody while still throwing…
i mean i can see why you hate her so much. personally sombra has brought so much joy in playing overwatch as her. maybe moreso than launch widow (close). just the troll nature and the silly things that you can do with her
hack ults like mccree’s deadyeye, hack a pharah/mercy for environmental death, hack a before she can remech (one of my favorites) and other shenannigans
she is the ultimate shennigans hero and thats her charm… a pest. so yea i always understood why people hate her.
this time tho with the rework… she does counter certain heroes TOO HARD. especially widow/ashe/mercy… goes to figure tho since the devs dont playtest often. we use to have a test/experimental mode in the game lol
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I don’t wanna’ get into all the heroes that drive me nuts. The list of heroes that can one-shot me, one-shot me with a combo or one-shot me with a blue beam or Discord is a long bloody list - but I will say this:
I love it when people post their clips. I love seeing Overwatch gameplay from the players who make up the bulk of tue game’s population. I can’t relate to the icy perfection of an Overwatch pro - I can appreciate the struggle and thrill of a normal player pulling it off.
Had a good one myself, tonight.
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real nice footage and potg. also the le serrafim (err however you spell it) tracer skin is hot. the collab was probably a huge $$ win for blizzard.
kind of wonder if they can pull off another collab like it
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It was the first time I spent money on OW2. My duo got himself the entire pack, so I figured what the hell, may as well get Tracer’s skin >.<
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yea i know the feeling i got the sombra one
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Maybe it’s just my Ana bias showing but wouldn’t it be more fun if doing all of this required some skill on your part? It’s great that you can autoaim hack someone, but don’t you think sleeping a flying pharah into the well is much much more fun?
You are not alone.
Personally, I am hoping for a rework, again (even though, I AM that Sombra)
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