Give Your Main A New Ability

I dont main reaper, but just dial back his life steal and give him and intermediate range choke on M2 so he can compete with other dps without being so hard on low rank people.

Nano boost changes to a canonically accurate drone airstrike

Tracer still gets 3 blinks forward (or whichever direction) but now she ALSO gets an extra blink upward. Jump+Look up+blink sends you up a few metres in the air instead of forward

Lucio–Push Off: if he crouches while wall riding, he dashes off the wall and deals danage to character he passes through. He also slows then by 50% for 1 sec. This is on a 6 sec cooldown.


  • She now carries one of those drones from her comic on her back
  • Double-jumping makes her whip out the drone and fly around with it for a short while, though she cannot do anything else while flying because she needs both hands to hold on to it


  • Pressing reload when using her staff or her pistol is full triggers “Overcharge”.
  • Overcharge increases the power of both her staff and pistol for a few seconds, but then weakens them for a longer time afterwards.

Dva: self destruct 2

  • DVA gets self overload and can use all skills on half CD for 10 seconds. (Means all resources charge 2 times faster) but damage is same

  • Mech self destructs after that without any damage blast

You know how Kratos throw his axe and it comes back to him.

Yeah… put that on Rein :3
As for the stats… I don’t know.

Probably an E on a 10s cd that deals 100 damage knockback?

Enhanced Angel.

Increase HPS to 75.
Increase Damage boost to 50%
7 seconds duration.
13 seconds cooldown.

Mercy: Ability on 10s cooldown (activates for 10s), Mercy can fly on air like when she Valks. I know this makes Valk redundant but I just want to kill that fecking Widow/Hanzo that keeps pestering me while I’m healing and I hate having to wait until Valk to do that.

Mercy: change GA: if she GA to an ally with an enemy on the way, she will boop him with her body and will do 5dmg.

Ana: new passive, mama call: Ana can call Pharah to put her on high ground.

Not my main, but Mercy needs an ability that makes her toes bigger. :triumph:

Interesting concepts!

I thought about both of these for Ashe, but they do make a lot more sense on Junkrat. The smoke grenade would be annoying though… would it have a limited number of uses? Otherwise the entire point would end up covered in smoke


I like this! Forces her to play aggresive instead of cowering in the back with damage boost from Mercy


Clever title for the ability lol. Would it be sort of like Coach gun, where both she and the enemy get launched, or just the enemy?

She did that in one of her comics I believe. Yeah this would be an interesting idea. Sym is one of my favorite heroes lore wise, because she literally could create anything she wanted.

I like it! Maybe it did like 10 damage for hitting the target, and did like 150 damage in the next few seconds. That way anyone flanking would be forced to find cover/retreat for fear of death.

Oh god that would be so funny. Although, maybe only have it cost two blinks, that way she can blink towards the area she wants to go (rather than have to hug the wall).

Hmm, interesting concept. Although, most abilities are around 8 seconds, and I feel like the ability to basically remove a cooldown from heroes like Genji or McCree would really get annoying. What if it halfed the current cooldowns, and cleansed?

Sombra: let her melee attack out of stealth for 50 dmg … stealth instantly breaks by hitting someone melee

Ashe can now run, and slide.

Focus- Moira gets pissed and her healing now is shortly unstoppable by barriers, dm, or even anti.
If she’s alive, she will heal you. This healing is seen as a darker orange.

Yeah, but I think it’s more abusable that you can get free ults off of him, just because he is so large and easy to hit. If he wasn’t an ult battery, he’d still be weakened by cc.

Would it be just one armor pack to upgrade to level 3 turret or?

Interesting! It feels kind of similar to Sombra’s translocator though. I see there are major differences, like it being automatic, but it feels like a Sombra ability.

That sounds like a fun ability to mess around with. How wide would it be? Could it catch a whole team if well placed, or would it only be big enough for a few heroes to get stuck?

Alright, how long would the reduction last? The ultimate feels really OP though… maybe only heal 200 hp and half cooldowns (with damage reduction) or maybe just heal and reset?


I like it! It’s similar to Atlas from Paladins, but it fits Sym more. I’m not sure about letting your team shoot her though… it would basically result in a free kill.

Oh god no.

0.0 “Justice rains from above”- The OG version
How would it work indoors?


I love it. There needs to be an interaction with Pharah though. “You’re not the only one who can fly, Fareeah”

I like it! Makes room for more skilled gameplay. Would she be able to use it while ulting?

Interesting concept! Makes her shred the enemy, at the cost of her mech


Would the cooldown start before or after the duration ends?

LOL that’s perfectly fine. It doesn’t have to make sense as long as it’s balanced

That would be a funny kill. You leave combat to go get healing, and right as you get to a health back “BOOP” Sombra screams as she whaps you with her pistol, killing you instantly.

Would she be able to shoot while sliding?

lol. “Moira gets pissed and becomes a good healer”


Basically. I would love the activation line to be like
“Guess I have to intervene”
“If you want something done right…”
“I didn’t say you could stop”
“I’ve put too much work into you”
“Dammit, you’re exhausting”

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lmao this one for sure.

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McCree: Tumbleweed (infinite rolling without a cooldown, but reloads while rolling on cooldown.)

Lucio: Lily Pad (can use his boops when aimed at a wall or floor to knock himself away from the wall or into the air like Ashe’s coach gun.)

Hog: Roadkill (Hog gets a short distance sprint ability where he may belly bump opponents away from him or over edges for environmental kills but it leaves him temporarily out of breath… he can still heal though while catching his breath.)

I like the name!

That sounds like Kung fu Panda lol

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