Give us reindeer Orisa already

why can someone explain instead of just telling me

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It’s a reference to the fact that a certain user made a joke about that skin coming out and was banned for 1000 years

ohhh well I’m not really saying that it will 100% come out. I’m just asking for it :sweat_smile:

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Give him a snowball/christmass ball skin.

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I really hope it does.

The Santa hat wasn’t enough?




I require more in-depth details about bastion’s hat. Is it an emotional support hat?
Does affect his damage output?
Are there more than one hat?
If not, can i select the colors for the hat?

…Will Ganimedes also get a hat?

You still havent confirmed dva

You… you dare D: to call the Battlecattle… a HORSE!? /moos in outrage >:( such heresy… for this, everytime you EMP, the team will collectively all use emotes until its effect runs out D:<


Reindeer Orisa may not likely to happen since we already have Rudolph Roadhog, unless they don’t mind ‘duplicating’ like they did for Sombra & Sigma (Rime).


Please tell me Kai Chang got to work on this!

He made some amazing fan-art back in the day, and now he actually works for you guys so…

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:eyes: are you suggesting something?

get ready for the stylosa video coming with this thread lol

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There already is a reindeer Roadhog…

is it Orisa?

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Sugar Plum Fairy?
Not good enough?

not exactly wintery is it

Just wanted to point out that Santa has 9 reindeer.



he used the winky facce it must be true