Give us more avoid slots

Amaterasu never mentioned someone not playing a specific hero your jumping to conclusions and being immature has nothing to do with it.

I avoid at least one person a week!

And in no small part due to toxicity.

Always remember positivity is :key:

And the festivities have begun :snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree::snowman:

when I see comments like this I truly believe some are too optimistic about this game overwatch has a toxic community. how is it hard to believe there are lots of bad players out there with this crappy matchmaking system in place?

Optimism isn’t a bad thing in fact its good to balance out the toxicity with positivity :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

And the festivities have begun :snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree::snowman:

it is good to have optimism but too much makes you delusional to what’s going on

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True but in some instances this community overreacts so the optimism helps keep that in check mostly :sweat_smile:

And I’m guilty of your comment above so oof :cold_sweat:

Always remember positivity is :key:

And the festivities have begun :snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree::snowman:

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Some people aren’t bad just because I or someone else doesn’t want to play with them. Sometimes the way people play is just incompatible. The most obvious example is putting offensive and defensive players on the same team. Or active vs. reactionary.

7 Avoid Slots. That’d be about right.

The biggest challenge to Overwatch is figuring out which throwers to keep on the avoid list, every single game.

This is getting ridiculous, and i don’t care if throwers get 4 hour queues. Get them out of here, and let us avoid more players. There’s one every single game.