Give us an option to NOT hotjoin Quickplay Games

Hear me out, why wait 4 years on an extremely hated element of your game. When making it worthwhile like a lootbox or extra coins if you win be so much easier.


That’s how it already is in Heroes of the Storm. Blizzard could easily implement it in Overwatch as well.

Have you considered putting a time limit on backfill, so that people can’t back fill in the last 20 seconds of a match? If you backfill into attack, 20 seconds is barely enough to get to point

They stated around the time Role Queue was added that they wanted to allow achievements in QPC, so the change is presumably intentional. It’s always awkward when stuff gets patched in without notes, though.

Good about that change, I was recently backfilled four times in a row. Could we perhaps get queue priority if you backfill and the game ends within 60 seconds of joining? Spending ages in a queue only to backfill to a defeat screen followed by another long queue happens way too frequently.

Jeff actually just posted about this:

so we now have the dev verification i was asking for

As with many aspects, you can usually turn frustration into excitement depending on the reward associated with whatever is happening. There is a threshold of reward level where people would go from frustrated for ending up in a backfill to excited and hoping for a backfill if the reward is high enough. We get loot boxes and extra rewards for choosing certain roles - why not reward backfill more?

Imagine you get a free loot box for any backfill? Or 2? Or multiple one if you win the match? Or a random event loot box? There is a point where most people would hope for backfills instead of getting mad about them.

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Kaplan did you read this?

off topic jeff i have a really good idea for a rework on zen that should be simple and easy to do like you guys did with brig give him 3 orbs for healing or discord

You should get a special Backfill loot box whenever you que into a backfill game.

its not that hard, if the enemy team is dominating and the OBJ is just about captured, dont bother filling…not that hard

Please please do this.
I have said this before that at 1:00 to the end of the game back fill should be turned off ( in my opinion )
But you also have the problem if your team is being rolled and the payload is almost to the end of the map and someone leaves and then someone els get’s backfilled into that game that is NO Fair either.
In my opinion being back filled into the end screen or in the last 30s of a game is more tilting and unfun then playing Vs 2 shield tanks.
I am no Dev so i will not comment on what i think would work because i do not what to be a trash bag.
And this is coming from a tank main.

Surely Jeff will answer to you :slight_smile:


Wasn’t talking to him.

There was literally a similar newer thread on the 1st page. Why did you have to necro 2 years old thread?

I will join a defeat if they give me a credit incentive:)

Because it was suggested.

I literally have no idea why people get so upset over what another person chooses to do.

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Because it is an old and obsolete thread. Posting in it just makes it appear at the top of the threads and it just confuses people.
The dev who has responded to it doesn’t even work at blizzard anymore.


and they still let comp games with leavers continue. This game is garbage

If posting an obsolete thread CONFUSES people, they shouldn’t be reading forums.
I think it’s more about control. Let people address what threads they want.
Blizzard didn’t make you hall monitor.