Give us a less masculine male hero. Please. (Also the meka squad šŸ¤– )

Oh i hope i didnā€™t come off as trying to tie those two togetherā€¦
I simply meant more-so physically, this is lacking. though as you pointed out, we also donā€™t have many effeminate maleā€™s personality wise either.
Which i was trying to kinda say as well.


I agree, since this is most of what my rant was trying to say.

Sorry i am on little sleep, and as i said in the post, this was honestly a rant that just kinda came to mind. :sweat_smile:

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There are quite a few male personalities that arenā€™t very well represented in OW, so I wouldnā€™t mind a bit more diversity. Bliz handle the female characters really well in my opinion, so itā€™s a shame most of the male ones come off as a bit boring and generic.

Like, we have yet to get a guy whoā€™s one of those people that has to do everything in style. The sort of person you see in games where youā€™re pretty sure theyā€™re one step away from narcissism.

Something Iā€™d be really fond of is somebody whoā€™s kind of timid around others.
We see a lot of empowering women in media as much as we see the other end of the spectrum with the old female stereotype. People know itā€™s okay to be either or both of them if thatā€™s who you are.
But, while we get a lot of tough and imposing men, itā€™s rare to see the opposite, the type that is self-conscious and awkward.
Overwatch has received praise for its diversity, so I hope we can see a more quiet and nervous guy in the future.


I fully understand that there is no perfectly correct way to say what i tried to say, i just made the rant. so itā€™s there now.

Just to recap quickly. Iā€™m guessing what you wanted to ask is; Why does every character have to be laughably over-the-top masculine in design and personality.

Why canā€™t we have Captain NormalGuy? Am i understanding you correctly?

Ps. While i donā€™t think youā€™re bised yourself the way in which you wrote the original post Really makes it seem like you might be. And that effectively hurts the point you wanted to make.


you didnā€™t my friend but i just wanted " MY " comment out there as well. I owe it to my old friend. you have to be open to people to make good friends and back then I made a life long one.

He was also the snot that introduced me to ferrets as petsā€¦


Basically this yea.
Though i guess if you wanna call me biased for some reason, i guess you could say i have the opinion that when it comes to the physical side of character design i also believe, as you said, everyone is WAY too physically over the top masculine when it comes to the males.


As i said i would have to be careful, and iā€™m also on very little sleep. thus i labeled this as a rant, not a well written attempt at addressing things. <~<

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Well i wouldnā€™t say thatā€¦ you seem on edge.


you know the drill, sleep for a few hours before posting again. and iā€™m going to do the same on myself.


Lucky for you i wasnā€™t posting after being awake for two daysā€¦

I got a full day of sleep recently, thereā€™s zero chance of me being unconscious for at least another 10 hours.

If iā€™ve worded something weird, just tell me. >~>

How about we just throw metatton in there? Hes fab and an omnic, everyone is happy


Well itā€™s basically because Overwatch is rooted in the European cultural web of references as it were (which the american one is still firmly rooted in). And in this web a hero is perceived as being greater than the average man and that usually meant in terms of strength.

In terms of the game itself, thereā€™s the matter of hitboxes. For example Roadhog and Reinhard are as big as they are because they need to be large enough to hit easily, to keep the game in balance.

So if you had a new male normal guy physique character he would need to be either a healer or a high dps character, as those are the ones featuring the small hitbox.

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This is exactly what i mean.

Even if it were an omnic, heā€™s the opposite of ā€œManly Masculine Manā€

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This is the main reason i suggest bringing in any one of the Meka squad guys.

Metatton it is

  • Fabulous
  • Omnic
  • Great dance moves (competes with fortnite)
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On the Meka Squad Topic. I could see it happening, IF they are popular enough as a concept in the community (No idea if they are).
But to be part of the game they would need to do something new and certainly different from Dva. Otherwise they would be either redundant or OP in combination with Dva.
Iā€™d guess make the new Meka person do something completely different but have the same jump out of the mech ability.

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I feel bad for the programmers lol they said is a coding nightmare

Imagine that x5

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You do know we have Ganymedeā€¦

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Iā€™m thinking there has to be a healer in the Meka squad, and on that same noteā€¦ one is probably longer ranged, and one is probably a shield tank.