I think there are game modes and maps that each player likes and wants to practice.
It is a questionnaire one year ago, but you can see that hybrids and controls are popular and assaults and escorts are not popular as long as you see the above results.
Map is
Assault 5
Escort 6
Hybrid 5
Control 5
There are 21 in total and it is difficult to play a specific map. Also, players are forced to play because they get a penalty if they exit after the match is decided.
What I would like to propose here is to give the user the choice of quick play game mode. If you can select the game mode you want to play after clicking quick play, you will be more likely to play on the map you like, and you can intentionally avoid the map you dislike. I think people who only want to play a specific mode and those who like all four modes are winwin, so please let us know what you think!