Give Sombra her skirt back

She just looks and feels naked without it :confounded:

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good :smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk:


Breaking away from a heroes normal boring silhouette is so refreshing and I wish they’d do it more.

If you want a skirt, use literally any of her other skins…


No because it’s based on Ninja Catwoman from the Batman Ninja anime


It inconsistent and no
They’ll put it back one day

Go find another hero to try new things on


Ok? nobody is forcing you to wear the skin, you think I wear all the Moira skins? No I don’t. I despise Masked Dancer with a passion lol.


Nobody said I didn’t want to wear the skin now did I? I just said so bra without a skirt is weird. Sounds like someone has a catwoman fetishism…so defensive

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How about no, she looks awesome.


Everyone here is so catty over someone not liking something. Pun intended
Because it’s not like I said I hated the whole skin, it’s purple so I’ll be buying it anyway. Just said I hate that there isnt skirt.

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LOL, I actually got into comics recently and my favourite comic book character is Catwoman, though I actually really dislike the Sombra skin as it’s not based on the actual Catwoman from the main Batman series who is half Latina, but based on a ginger, blue eyed anime catwoman… lol

And no, I don’t “Fetisih” catwoman, I think she’s cool and I’m a girl too and I find other comic book characters with their “super powers” not that impressive, also I love cats so she is awesome to me.

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Sure…sure you are. You can like women and be a girl though, so don’t know why you brought in gender.
Not calling you homophobic, just thought I’d mention

cause u said I was fetishing her… which is what a lot of people accuse men of doing to Catwoman :joy:

Yes…but what does that have to do with you being a woman?

Ok and what does me saying she’s Ninja Catwoman from the Batman Ninja anime have to do with me apparently being this:

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Because half the people here are just jumping do defense because it’s a catwoman skin when you can see catwoman and catwoman cosplay by googling it. Sounds pretty moist and sweaty to me. But yeah my reasoning makes sense…you being a girl is a weird reason to claim you don’t fetish her.

U gonna complain about how Moira looks like Poison Ivy too? lol

oh by the way, Demon Hunter sombra doesn’t have the skirt either :sunglasses:

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She doesn’t look like poison ivy, she looks like a Venus fly trap

I know, but that skin at least looks a bit textured and not awkward.

There is no doubt in my mind that you 100% thought I was a guy which is why you made that comment in the first place, like why else would you randomly bring up how I’m apparently doing that just because I said it’s from an Anime? lol

I’ve never seen the anime before in my life I only know about it because it’s the only Figma Catwoman has

No I just saw you as Moira…I won’t say that I never assume gender, but I don’t assume only guys can fetishes women or a character. That’s messed up

It is odd because previously there was a war on showing women’s butts… Guys it was fine. But after that controversy over Tracer every girl seemed to have a bit of a skirt, cape, armor etc covering them from behind.

Strange Jeff leaves and now we get more skin tight suites.