Give Mercy a reload ability!

Something that will increase her skill ceiling. My proposal is a healing amplification.

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing per second reduced from 55 to 50.

New Ability: Overload

  • Now increases base healing by 10 per second.
  • 5 second duration
  • 8 second cooldown.
    Stacks with Valkyrie (so 70hps).
    Can only be triggered when Caduceus Staff is equipped.

Good Mercy players will be able to utilise Overload well, so this will work out as a buff for these players.

Poor Mercy players will have inefficient usage of Overload, and will be performing worse than currently due to the base healing being reduced in compensation.

Mercy currently has such a low skill ceiling. Decent Guardian Angel usage is the only real barrier between a good and poor Mercy player.


i had my own ideas:

the other one was similar to yours, but on a resource meter inestead of cooldown


Why not just give Mercy the debuff cleanse ability that weā€™ve wanted on a support for so long?


I like this idea and have been proposing my own variant for the last 2 years, but tbh I think Iā€™d rather keep her at 55 base HP and have it raise to around 65-75 HPS for only 3-4 seconds instead of 5. Iā€™d also put it on a 10-12 second cooldown, as 8 is a pretty short amount of downtime.

Iā€™d want it to be a cooldown she actually has to manage instead of something that comes up so often. Like you said, Mercy doesnā€™t really have any cooldowns to manage right now. GA is the shortest CD in the game and rez in the longest, lol.

Call it Overload or Caduceus Overload and make it trigger her old voice line ā€œAmplifying biotic streams!ā€. This voiceline would honestly be perfect.

They could also make it enhance damage boost in some way, maybe it gives the target 30% speedboost for the duration? This would help her reposition tanks or her Zenyatta if they are being dove or are too far forward.

Agreed ^^ 50 HPS felt horrible.


I dont know. Mercy just doesnt feel good at 50 hps. Even with gaining the 60 for a good 5 seconds Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d be down for the misery of 50 during cooldown.


Because thatā€™d feel like it was making her kit a bit bloated. The only support who can rez, and the only support who can cleanse? Sheā€™d step on Anaā€™s toes a lot and thatā€™s something we want to avoid between those 2.

Iā€™ve proposed various cleanse suggestions before but Iā€™m not sure having it as an R ability is the way to do it.

If I were to implement it Iā€™d have it be like:

ā€œMercy can use Resurrect on a living ally now. It cleanses them of all debuffs and heals them for a burst of HP. The cast time is .3 seconds and it only goes on half the cooldown at 15 seconds. Ressurect still works the same on dead alliesā€.

That way Rez and the cleanse share the same ability slot/CD in a way.

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Please dont lower her base healing to 50 :sob:

Iā€™d honestly say give her 50 hps + 2% max the heroes health pool

  • In general, 200 hp allies would be healed for 54 hps
  • Tracer would be healed for 53 hps
  • Mei would be healed for 55 hps
  • would be healed for 62 hps
  • Reinhardt would be healed for 60 hps

I go agree with your reload ability of rising her hps by 10 still so that works out tbh

Iā€™d also change rez so something else like a cleanse and burst? Maybe an Aoe damage boost even.

This should help solidify her as a main healer

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A cleanse of all non-knockback/pull/knockdown debuffs on a cooldown to her attached ally when pressing Reload while attached to an ally with her beam

No maā€™am.

Iā€™m fine with this as long as the base healing isnā€™t nerfed back to 50. That seriously is garbage. Iā€™d rather you just reduce Valkā€™s capabilities to make room for the extra ability.


Stop. Mercy only needs buffs. Leave her alone ffs
She doesnā€™t need any changes just cause of what you perceive as skill. No one cares about your non-existent skill perception.


Instead of healing it could amplify damage, which will make it so that good players can utilize it, so that it wouldnā€™t be broken.

But why? She is fine!

more like give mercy a real gun, then people will play support. how to make a character as junk as possible but still playable, that would be mercy and blizzards fine layout.

If anything, she needs to be good as other main healers and she would use better ult, as right now, itĀ“s probably worst one.

Why are we still trying to drastically change Mercyā€™s playstyle & why are we still on the same 2018 argument that Mercy doesnā€™t have a high enough skill cieling?

I thought we were done with this a long time ago.

I mean anybody can say ā€œThe only X to do Yā€ & make it sound super bloated. Iā€™ve always been of the opinion that Mercy as the pure pacifist support should just heal through bionade (Or more importantly bionade should halve healing, not prevent it) but Iā€™m not here to argue that.

Iā€™d rather not have another ability be shared on the same button on something with such a long cd & impact as Rez. It would more likely get in the way of Rez attempts & we donā€™t need backward mechanics that feel clunky to use.

Balance wise though, a 15s cd on a single target cleanse is far too restrictive if weā€™re giving it a cast time & disallowing Rez on its cooldown, accompanied by a burst heal or not.

Because hero skill in this game is both an argument for why a hero doesnā€™t deserve to be nerfed and why a hero should be nerfed. The more skillful a hero is the more excuse they have to be buffed and/or overpowered.

I always thought the much derided Lightwell from WoW was a good ability (the one you had to click not the idiot proof automatic one). Give Mercy a Lightwell.

Itā€™s just rather annoying that instead of focusing on the skills a hero currently relies on/promotes, so many people push heroes away from their actual playstyles to promote ā€œskillā€.

The devs said that there isnā€™t currently a default cleanse mechanic in the game. Itā€™s tied to invulnerability and is one of the things theyā€™re addressing in OW2. Hence the reason Moira, Reaper, Zarya, Tracer, and Sombra get cleansed upon using their escape abilities, but others do not. All those heroes get Iframes.

So they wonā€™t give Mercy a cleanse because the way the game is coded right now means that it literally cannot be JUST a cleanse. Even a really short invulnerability would be exploited by people. Especially if it was targeted and at range. ā€œThat Rein has charged my other healer! Iā€™d better ā€˜cleanseā€™ them at the absolute last second.ā€