Give Mercy a little more oomf

How is the 4th most played hero on ladder underpowered???

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Three main healers, unless you count Baptiste as a main healer but I don’t know, not played him. Still, the fact is there aren’t many other main healers to choose from unlike ‘damage’ heroes. You can’t really make that precise comparison, nor is pick rate/win rate a true representation of a hero being overpowered, underpowered or absolutely perfect.

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That plus the fact that a lot of people assume they need a main healer and that Mercy is pretty much still the only main healer you can pick if your team goes DPS heavy (and they will… frequently) results in Mercy having an incredibly high pick rate pretty much at all times.


Mercy was NOT fine when Valkyrie was released. She went from rarely used to always used. Her ultimate allowed her to get more rezzes on average than when she had mass rez since she didnt have to wait for people to die together and could rez them as they died or potentially the same person up to 4 times in 20 seconds.

She was extremely overpowered and was until the nerf to her healing.

Then in my opinion it should be removed. If the only way to balance that ability is by removing the only other characteristic she has going for her for almost 2 seconds, then it should not be there. It’s contradictory and there are better things they could do/ give her that would not stop her almost entirely every 30 seconds when otherwise she is extremely mobile.

I think it’d be better to offer a use-on-living-target option rather than remove it entirely


Can people stop saying they want Quality of life changes

and then talk about direct buffs

They aren’t the same thing lol


pick rate doesnt necessarily = strength. i personally pick mercy because i like her lore & character build better than the other supports. i could easily go Ana or Moira and pump out insane anounts of healing for my team but i choose Mercy because i just like her as a character lol

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I don’t. I can already see people raging because someone used it on a living target instead of rezzing as well as still seeing the problem continue to see which is people going in to rez mindlessly.

With a cast time like that on a hero that is otherwise never standing in one spot for long, its just weird. If Ana had for example an ability with a cast time, say a mini nano on a cooldown but with a cast time it would make more sense, because she tends to be in the back and is not very mobile as is anyway.

But a hero like Mercy who is defined by her mobility and you can tell who plays her and who doesnt by the way she manouvers around, having an ability that takes that away for that long ON TOP of having no way to cancel it, is a bit insane.

Every other ability in the game that prevents you from moving or taking an action and is done voluntarily, can be self-cancelled.

Adding the ability to cancel it I don’t think would fix anything and in all honesty I just would like to see Resurrect retired.

Her power budget is taken up by it so much that with it gone, there would be room to add more to her gameplay.

I think some people will rage regardless unless Mercy focused entirely on just them

so I dont worry about that, myself

and before that there was “EQE” which allows Mercy to rez 3 more times during Valk.

honestly 3 rezzes was still better than a 5 man rez :confused: dont get me wrong tho haha valk 1.0 & 1.5 were both broken (1.0 more so than 1.5)

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This is true, but I worry about it because its people calling you out for using the heal instead of a rez is warranted given the value or a rez. The value of resurrect is immense and not something anyone else can offer, giving it up for a burst heal that a lot of other supports can give seems like a waste by comparison. The fact that it exists is alone reason enough to use it over any alternative.

The only equivalent ability to rez on a living target is if Mercy could kill an enemy player if they cast for 1.75 seconds at 25% base movement speed for the cast and they are withing 5 meters for the cast.

That would be insanely broken even with those conditions just as rez is in my opinion.

It is way too strong to be a cooldown and moving it to be linked to her ultimate in a way is something I don’t ever see happening.

That last part is kinda my problem. Mercy pairs well with DPS in theory, so I pick her when my team has ones that pair well with damage boost. The reason she feels so lackluster is in gold/plat where so many of us are, the aim of the players is wildly suspect (myself included) so a giant chunk of her utility is less useful. (Though you get more rezzes in return because you can go riskier and survive due to said bad aim.)

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That pretty much goes the same way for all utility in the game

it’s sort of inherent to how utility is useful since it’s mostly a team benefit that’s not directly tied to doing damage or healing

ie people don’t focus fire on low ranks so Discord isn’t as good
people don’t group up for Lucio’s speed boost

and we all know how people love to wake the ulting nano boosted Genji that just got put to sleep

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The only kind of buff I think she needs is related with her constant healer status.


  • her ult shouldnt interrupt her healing during the cast time (so you can use it more reactively if your pocketted ally is being attacked).

  • Her rez ability should be able to be cancelled (so you could keep healing in a dangerous situatition

  • maybe the time required for switching beams or weapons can be reduced (at least during ult)

Thats all. Nowadays, she is the only one that interrupts her healing (besided Ana biogrenade…). Her constant heali g output is what makes her unic among healers. She doesnt need more oomph. She needs more brooom broooom


Go back 6 months and it was a fraction of what it is currently.

She didn’t suddenly gain 3x the fans in the last few months.

With higher ranks in question- what’s viable is always a huge influencing factor.

Other comps have been getting nerfs and the heroes mercy is good with are capable of shining again- making her a good pick.

Sure, but at least you can make use of your own utility with everyone else. Zen can orb down his discord targets, Ana can kill her anti and sleep targets, Brig can do brig things, even Lucio can boop for kills. Mercy’s damage boost does nothing for her.

uhm, what?

this is a team game

team results

team victory

damage boost helps the team achieve its goals

that, and the damage boost totals are one of Mercy’s measurables…and as such, become part of how she is (or can be) evaluated

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