Give mercy a cleanse and take away valk

put rez back on ULT
Mercy’s Ult works like no other’s

let Mercy generate up to 20 ULTs and save them

can only use one ult at a time, but can use them back to back over and over




I’m used to my ideas petrifying people.

Umm I liked the title… but you lost me after that…

“let Mercy generate up to 20 ults”

what does that even mean

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Why not just make Valk anti-cc, the beam has a cleansing effect? Two birds, one stone. You give her the cleanse, Valk has a reason to exist for non-Battle Mercy.


Reset the timer guys

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“0 days without nonsense”

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Mercy’s ULT should work like no one else’s ULT.

Mercy’s new ULT is a single Rez.
She starts each match with one ULT charge. (1 rez)
Once she gains 100% charge, she now has 2 rez’s
she can save up as many as she wants, 20, 50 100 etc…but if blizz did this, they’d probably cap it at 5 or 6
and that’s it.

no CD on rez’s, you can cast as many as you want in a row, and the cast time works just like it does now.

I assume it means that you can overcharge her ult and accumulate more ult charge after filling the ult meter, so you could use her ult and then potentially have another one ready if you accumulated enough ult charge.

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I posted more on how it works above

That sounds pretty broken

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you gotta think though, 5 rez’s aren’t very valuable, because by the time you get to your second rez when the whole team is wiped, there’s no way your going to survive.

all it is basically is a quick respawn, I think they could make it work.

No, Valk stays.


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valk is lame and you know it

I like it



I mean Valkyrie


“5 rezzes aren’t very valuable”

el oh el

If Mercy’s Rez was on a 2 second cool down, she’d be dead.


If Mercy had a 2 second cooldown on Rez,she’d be insanely powerful

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