Give Mei projectile drop

Mei’s slow (m1 spray) just needs to fall off faster and be slightly less impactful, and her stun (solid freeze) needs a diminishing return system.
Also piercing freeze needs to go as it’s no longer needed.
I have absolutely 0 problems with her right click because they earn any kills they get with it at range given how wacky the projectile itself is.
Mei is just obnoxiously difficult to deal with as a tank by nature of her kit, but shy of a full rework, she’d be a throw pick if it weren’t effective at all

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Mei’s falloff was removed for consistency as literally none of the other projectiles have falloff damage. It doesn’t really make her OP to begin with due to how she’s literally just budget Hanzo/ McCree in terms of M2. Mei gets her value from limiting enemy movement options.

You’re trying to add logic into a game where a 60 year old grandma can snap a metal signpost in half with the force of wet newspaper.


They actually buffed the slow duration by 0.5 seconds in the past saying it would help her keep up against faster heroes while really all it did was make being a less mobile hero more irritating, and in all doing close to nothing against more mobile heroes. I could get behind that buff being reverted.

What’s heavier, a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?

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??? kinda thought bringing it up would make you see it but my point is weight is irrelevant. like u have ur opinions on how to balance her but your “it makes logical sense because it’s heavy” argument falls flat. everything falls at the same rate

That’s exactly what I was getting at.

If your team abandons you or plays too aggro when they shouldn’t, unless you’re Zarya or Hog, there’s an extremely good chance Mei is going to outduel you as a tank, and slowly at that, and there’s very little you can do outside of wasting an ult to force her to back off, (which is extremely bad value for you, especially if she blocks or walls it) or you can desperately try to get to your team, which may involve abandoning advantageous positioning or the point or payload itself, which is almost as bad as throwing out an ult.

Projectiles with a wind up


McCree and Bap are more discount snipers than Mei.


Thank you, Socrates. What’s heavier, an icicle or an arrow? What’s heavier, a small rivet, or an icicle?

What has a higher amount of gravity on it, an arrow, or an icicle?

This is starting to sounds like witchcraft to me.

Trying to apply real world physics to games with moon gorillas and mecha space hamsters.


They have the same. Now assuming they have the similar flight speed, which one will drop faster? God this is starting to sound like a problem from my advanced dynamics’s class last year.

Evidently logic is not the correct approach, though I wish it was

I’ve been playing a lot of Mei recently, and it’s pretty much because she’s very broken. And this is one way in which she is broken. Her alt fire is way too good.

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As a tank main… that’s probably the least concerning bit of Mei.
IF she is still in need of a nerf after the PTR patch comes out, I’d hope they either do one of two things, instead of one tick applying 30% slow instantly, make it ramp up from 0% with no instant slow stacking making her cleave NUTS and your tanks can’t defend the team against it…
Remove cleave from her primary fire as one tick applying 30% slow instantly to anyone for 1.5 seconds regardless if it was just the single tick.

But that being said, that is “IF” she still retains her strength outside of this meta. I don’t care if she is only good, I only don’t want her to outpace, that being said there are many more heroes that outpace the majority and mei isn’t even in the top 3.

Also you like to say she’s basically a sniper. She can use a long range. But her projectile is a projectile, and it’s not going to one shot an actual sniper, if you’re losing sniper battles to her, that’s not mei being powerful, that’s you having issues.

pretty sure if anything the lighter projectile would have more drop as horizontal velocity will be more affected by air resistance bc it has less momentum

  1. The icicle is actually slightly faster.
  2. They would have almost identical drop over distance.

The difference in drop is primarily based on how fast it travels.

Because they are equally affected by gravity.

What I would like to know is… how does meis gun create a spiked icicle, usually that’s a product of condensation + gravity, there is no housing to shape the projectile, in reality that gun assuming we could create one, if shaped the way it is and held as a gun, the only creatable tip would be on the rear end of the icicle…

And here we are, trying to make sense of a nonsensical world :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


hey listen, im not trying to say overwatch rules need to make logical sense, im just trying to say that for op’s proposed change the argument of it making more logical sense can’t really be applied

but yeah, let’s change her secondary fire to shoot full cylinders instead. does less damage but also gives you a concussion :stuck_out_tongue:


…I’m not opposed…

I still don’t understand why people complain about the rest of her kit when her freeze beam is the only issue.