Give Hog players their own queue

What’s the point of reducing a 10 second queue?

Playing against a Hog is total whatever, he’s not gonna defend the payload or contest the point, so I don’t care, it’s having him on the team that becomes a problem. If the other tank is level 50, I just know they’re gonna insta-lock Hog, and they do, I’m left being the only tank for the team. As I’m trying shield everyhting, Hog is busy playing fat DPS and dying to a 1v6 the whole game.


Rule no.1:Your teammate hog will always feed while the enemy hog lands every hook from impossible places


We all do fivehead.
A above stupid rh player can easily outswip outpositioning

Enemy Hog is beyond easy to predict too - he will always sit around some environmental kills. Nepal sanctum he will never even approach the objective point wihout his ult, so just shield the side with pillars and live on the point.

  1. DPS
  2. TANK
  4. HOG



Sounds good to me :rofl::+1:


Expect all que times to double as we lose half our tank players.

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Honestly, are they even tank players at that point if they’re playing to flank and kill?

Just sounds like a way to skip Q times… :man_shrugging:

Rather than relying on these players who are playing hog to skip the DPS Q, we should aim for main tank/other off tanks to be more enjoyable.


This is too golden :joy:

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So if I’m reading correctly that means there’s (at least) 1 slot for a hog in EVERY group……I don’t think that’s what OP wanted……:sweat_smile:


It’s almost as if there’s a tank problem where tanks get deleted in seconds unless they play as shield bots. people auto lock Hog and Ball torture because you at least have to respect them as threats. Dps swarm rein and orisa like piranhas Hog needs to be respected. Also no one really cares about meta anymore since its changing to 5v5 so team play has been in the toilet.

well its what they are getting

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If you have to incentivize players to play a role then that role isn’t balanced properly.

But having a hog is awesome as zarya. They’re often a lot more open to risk so I can keep higher charge levels easier


Because heroes like ball/hog/dva are the most close thing you have to being happy while playing tank

B-but wheres is the s-shield?

Can I turn off crossplay with hog players? XD
They queue gets even longer :smiling_imp: