You heard the title, give every hero a secondary weapon/sidearm that fits their character! I’m interested to hear your ideas. Doesn’t matter if it’s a gun or a melee weapon
Also I made a thread for once haha
You heard the title, give every hero a secondary weapon/sidearm that fits their character! I’m interested to hear your ideas. Doesn’t matter if it’s a gun or a melee weapon
Also I made a thread for once haha
Symmetra: the blue power ring
And what would it do
Sorry I don’t get the reference haha
Tracer: scout’s scattergun
Supports would feel true fear for the first time assualt rifle, now its better not to kill yourself to get back into mech form. now she can do some real damage!
Double Recon
I mean it already canonically exists, based on the remains of the fallen Bastions in Eichenwald and the Black Forest maps.
Maybe decrease movement speed lightly while using it, I dunno lol
Give it random crits, then they’ll REALLY fear you
Every time she fires it your crosshair goes everywhere xD
Ohh I like that idea! As a wise man once said “And if that don’t work, use more gun”
A wise man, indeed. More guns always solve problems when you’re a robot who’s primary reason for existence is to shoot and kill things
McCree and Pharah played with toy guns, right?
Well, if the Rocket Launcher isn’t doing her any favors, she can just pull out an M16 lol
Sure…genji’s blade ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Roadhog gets a chainsaw that has an excessive amount of gore for this game
Zenyatta: Rubix cubes.
You tell me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Junkrat throw a boomerang coss Australia.
Reinhardt, Dual wielding hammers
Zenyatta: Rubix cubes.
Immobilizes enemies and makes the player solve it to gain control of their hero back
You tell me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
His sword, the world isn’t ready for his
Echo can now summon a sword:
Reinhardt, Dual wielding hammers
If that’s not a thing in ow2 we riot
Omni2:You tell me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
His sword, the world isn’t ready for his
Mercy was ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
we riot
Nah we blizzard
give sym the basketball of death thing back. She just magically makes it appear and everyone melts