Give brig 250 hp 300 shield

I think maybe two packs or even one might be better for this imo, otherwise she just replaces zen as a long range healer


This feels like a massive buff to me

You say that as if it’s a bad thing, unlike zen, she’ll be able to pocket a flanker for 12 seconds instead of 4


or simply just make it using another armor will just reset your current timer

maximum timer of 4 sec


Being sturdy is the Mainreason why Brig is strong and this wouldnt help with the problems she has at all

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just make the pack give flat 50 armor for two seconds, one charge, 8s cooldown.
So it’s sort of like a zarya bubble


Here is a rebalance for you.

No in-combat self heals, she can keep 250 total hp and 300 barrier for that, out of combat self heals, and single target team heals that is not bursty.

That is a sure fire way to cement another double shield meta. Why are we so obsessed with tanky Brig? Can we not stay alive for more than 5 seconds without crutches? Just play Tank if you want massive healthpool and shields.


Good changes keep the anti dive peel part strong while reducing the heal part, i would actually remove repair pack totally, as well as reduce inspire range.

The repair pack needs to go, its basically her carrying 3 mercy on cd.

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Alternatively make it 30 hps for 4s.
make her carry 3 Zen on CD instead 3 Mercy.
The heals would be less bursty at least.

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I think the opposite needs to happen (inspire doesn’t self heal, but instead heals surrounding allies).

The thing is, brig is so strong when pocketed. Add the armor, shield, good inspire, and more heals, and she’s borderline unkillable.

if you made inspire for her team only it could be a good idea.

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She would be the only support that doesn’t self heal, but at least her barrier regens itself. That’s not bad, I’d be willing to test it too. Or at least make inspire self-heals very garbage, like how it used to be halved when inspire healed more (it would be 15/2 = 7.5 hps now if halved).

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I’d rather tie together her tankiness and healing.

So 15hps self heal with 100 armour 100 HP

This way if somebody anti’s her or bursts her down she isn’t as tanky unless she uses the shield well.

this promotes good shield usage and punishes bad shield management.

it also gives her more counterplay than living because her HP pool says so.

I would then nerf Repair pack to 1 charge that does 25 armour overheal instantly and then heals for 50hps both lasting 2 seconds.

This way repair packs armour is very temporary and serves as instant protection to protect the normal HP pool as it heals up.

Due to it lasting 2 seconds I can’t see overheal being a massive issue. It could even be 50 armour if it’s too weak.

I want this so bad :’). Agree with the repair pack being the thing that needs changing, nerfing or removing.

I wish they’d try the original iteration of repair pack. Just to see how it’d work. I think it’d definitely be less oppressive than the current version. It’d be a 150 burst heal on a 6 second cooldown. This way it can only be used on 1 target. Not multiple. If you do this you actually nerf her healing output greatly. And makes her heals very Lucio-esque.

You couldn’t say Brig just before rework to 222 did massive amounts of healing like she can do now. The problem with it back then was that she could play along with 2 other supports. Which is where it made the AOE healing she gave ridiculously strong. And then that on top of other things led to GOATS. Which is impossible now.

she can have 250HP if she has no armor in her natural HP pool

she has to be killable outside of one shots, with armor she isn’t even killable by a fully charged hanzo headshot, with heroes like tracer or sombra or any sustained DPS rather than burst you’re gonna do almost 0 damage against her
(just a reference of how little damage sustained DPS do against armor)

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Please stop with your patch notes.

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with 225 total hp she can die to a full charged Hanzo arrow. At least there’s that.

Maybe just make it 200 hp + 25 armor, that’s 250 effective HP against Tracer’s bodyshots, equivalent to the 150 +50 armor she currently has.

that still makes her virtually unkillable during brawl/poke phases of a fight by sustained DPS

remember that her inspire self healing isn’t all shes gonna be healed by in an actual game, especially considering her hero is only effectively played in a range to peel for her second support

Nerf the self inspire by half or 10 hps.

or just dont let her have armor in her natural HP pool, really only tanks should even have that mechanic anyways

you already have to punch through her 250HP barrier and her 15 HPS of self healing and any other sustain shes getting from other sources

It’s because it is tied to her lore and visual design, but I guess that could be a way to go.

I guess you might say the same about the barrier.