Give brig 250 hp 300 shield

It’s because it is tied to her lore and visual design, but I guess that could be a way to go.

I guess you might say the same about the barrier.

lore doesnt dictate game balance, hanzo used scatter arrow to try and kill genji, so scatter arrow is a key part of his lore, but he doesn’t have it in his kit anymore because it was too difficult to balance around

She has a barrier, armor and self-heals, just make one bad to improve the other two I guess.

yup, or remove her healing in general and make her into a tank

give her this and maybe more just rework her and move her to the tank category, maybe ditching heals altogether or keep inspire only as a tank

-No longer stacks with Inspire;
-Actually procs inspire around the person she throws it on
-Turns 25 hp on target into armour (either no overheal or this occurs in the event of overheal)

Your idea feels (to me) like it would actually be better than it is right now, since it would just mean she pockets someone for 12 straight seconds without even looking at them.

am pretty sure she’s still a god tier support. O_O

Not really because Zen isn’t picked for his Harmony orb, his biggest draw is discord by far.

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I think removing Repair Pack and buffing inspire is the most “brawling and peeling” we can get without being op, because repair pack is the biggest reason why she’s op, we been nerfing it for 2 years and it’s still really overpowered

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i think they did this in the beginning and that’s why she got nerfed


It was Blizzard’s idea to give her 3 repair packs and buff her inspire healing to teammates while nerfing her own defenses and self-healing.

And where are we now?

Or Blizz could pay a content creator to make a Brig guide and put it in the Blizz launcher.

A lot of issues with Brig is that people don’t know how to play her or not know how to play with a Brig in their team. If people play her in a more correct manner and she is still bottom of the barrel across all ranks, then we can buff her again.

I main Brig, and I don’t really have too much issues playing her, the problem I face the most, is that my team doesn’t seem to know that they need to be close to Brig if they want AoE heals or peel.

For example (and this happens a lot), if you are playing Ana or Zen, you don’t need to stay across the map hiding just picking to heal. If you are close to Brig (at shield bash range) and she is paying attention, is very hard to get flanked/dived in ladder. But you also need to be close to the tanks so Brig can try and melee to proc inspire outside of whipshots.

honestly all i read from this post is that youre not good enough to play the hero because you got no clue how brig works. Hence why you try and sell these absolute bad “changes” or should i say buffs, to this community

Considering the amount of likes the OP’s post got, your unconstructive comment is akin to trolling.

OP’s suggestion was to weaken her repair pack, the core reason why she is powerful/meta at top ranks and shift power to her individual kit instead. I might have gone about it differently (why wouldn’t Blizzard just cut the RP charge by one while keeping it strong with over-armour), but I do agree with the idea behind it.

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I play mostly Brig. I’m not GM like but I don’t think the changes they’re proposing are in the wrong direction.

Repair pack is the reason she gets her amazing healing output. And at a longer range to as well as the closer range healing she can give with inspire + repair packs.

She’s also just really strong everywhere across the board. Heavy CC, greater sustain with self heals.

It’s why they’re nerfing her to 200HP. So she can’t give out the value she really can give for as long.

I think what a lot of Brig players (not all of course) don’t like about this direction. Is she has to sacrifice a lot of her brawly/tanky nature to compensate for the rest of the stuff she can do - and really well and pretty easily too. And Brig was kind of released as that more brawly character. So she sorta loses that more right now.

Her having 200HP definitely doesn’t make her trash. Far from it. You just play differently. More backline peel. Whipshotting to proc inspire as often as possible. Throwing repair packs to low targets, your other support etc. You’re not there as much whacking people with your flail. Going in with your frontline tanks, brawling it out.

Most damage is barely even effected by armor. It can’t reduce damage by more than 5. Reaper can still oneshot a 200 health 50 armor brig.

i just want 250hp back

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first off: a hero providing armor being a dominant support pick makes any hero who is effected by it unusable
secondly: reaper IS effected by brig armor and cannot one shot 250HP with armor, because although reaper is technically burst, its burst through pellets, and his pellet damage is severed by armor

They should just revert her to pre-222. More endurance for less heals.

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