Give bastion headshots

In his current state, hanzo is as much as a sniper as McCree.

This is true for many heroes, not just Bastion.

Yeah, Mei is also a good counter.

1- There’s little “less mobile characters” in OW.
2- No. Ennemies have more than enough time to react and either flee or just kill Bastion. You’d be lucky to get a single kill.
3- Have you played Bastion ?

And suddenly even mercy is a counter.

McCree can react, Widow can react, Junkrat can react, anyone can react, too much. You may think that’s fine, but reacting to the point that the ambush doesn’t freaking matter without protective abilities then that’s not fair.

But he can be.

You’d be surprised. His spread is so big that you have to flank way too close to do anything and then you’re close enough that you just get focused instantaneously. Trading 1 for 1 isn’t a good trade 2 for 1 maybe but that hardly happens.

As if you weren’t going to notice the giant robot the size of a tank point-blank

But with 450 DPS and 300 round magazine, he has more potential to damage the whole group coming in. Sombra might score a kill on something very squishy. Even tracer, is only gonna kill one player max. Bastion gonna burn through them for as long as it takes them to notice him there. If it takes the team 3 seconds to react, he’s basically destroyed and scattered a whole group, tanks included.

He doesn’t have 450 DPS.

Not with the forced 35% accuracy. ON TANKS.

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I’m noticing that most people arguing against a Bastion buff haven’t touched him / have no idea what they’re talking about.

No, I’m not mad.


It takes 3 seconds to kill one target in close -mid range with even good tracking.

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Because it’s sure fun to hurt but never kill anyone. 450 damage split between an entire group with bullets missing between them means you’re still doing crap damage to all of them.

Bastion is built to kill more than one person at a time. He can’t move therefore he has to make you move or make you dead. He can’t do either right now.

It never takes 3 seconds to react.

Um he does have 450 dps

What ambush? What range is this ambush. If it’s sniper range, then you can expect to get outsniped by players. The thing is, you can still force them behind cover and heal yourself.

And S76 can be used as a healer.

I think it takes 1-2 seconds to react, plenty of damage inflicted there.

Well he is hiding behind a corner, like sitting on a point waiting for someone to come through a door.

At point blank range he has 450 DPS.

What 35% accuracy?

Point blank.
That never happens.

Focus one, then another?

He also cannot move once they notice him, unless he gives up on fireing, and spends time reconfiguring back in to recon, then he begin to flee at normal movement speed with no escape abilities, healing for 4 seconds until it run out(He is probably dead already).

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Yeah, that’s his weakness. You can either go close range ambush, and expect to get ambushed yourself, or go long range suppressing fire and expect to be outsniped. Constant repositioning is pretty important with him.

25 meters isn’t sniper range, that’s supposed to be in his effective range even by the devs definition but it doesn’t work. Forcing them behind cover is a bad thing there. It just means now they’re going to corner peak you and they know you’re there.

That’s a dumb comparison. If I have a big gun, being behind someone is a good way to kill them.

You’ve never played him much then.