Give bastion headshots

I think just headshot alone is hilarious enough lol
You already can’t move at all and you’re entirely dependent on your team to back you up. For the one character that can’t move at all I’m surprised they haven’t given him a defensive passive IN his sentry form.

Situational usage means he’s bad. Considering you’re also telling us people shouldn’t die when he starts shooting them as well so he’s situationally crap.

Go main him for a season.

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As Doomfist puts it, “The best defense…”

That would be using him wrong, wouldn’t it?

“and they say”
“and they say”
“and they say”

That’s the issue. He’s the only hero that people say you shouldn’t main who isn’t getting a buff/rework.

Um what does that mean?

Doomfist voice line people keep spamming

Okay, so if he got headshots and reduced spread, would he be worth maining then?

Chivalry is dead…

Ofc, you would have a small chance to be viable.

He used to be worth maining.
He used to be great.
I want old Bastion.


What do you mean by


or Hanzo … oh wait

Yes. You contribute by killing people, not being relegated to barriers. A barrier regenerates and doesn’t shoot back, a hero does shoot back and doesn’t regenerate so fast. Taking out a hero means they stop shooting back. The reason he can’t go solo is because he can’t kill people within his own effective range faster than they can kill him and that makes no sense.

No, you would just insta-kill any squishy that walks into your LoS, and then you will be outplayed just like you are now. The only difference is players have a chance to react, whereas the proposed change takes away that chance to react. Kinda like Widowmaker scroing headshots, but without the skill requirement.

Yep. Here’s the “Bastion takes no skill” comment.


Only if they’re idiots and don’t check corners. Is there a Bastion in your game? Check corners. A peak won’t kill you because people did it before and it was fine. His old spread wasn’t pinpoint as people like to act. It was better than now but could still miss.

It’s a team game right? Why can’t they use the barriers for once?

If Widow was unable to move and had to be very close to do so.

It’s true that most arguments against buffs are like
“Well you can’t 1v3 him so he’s cancer”


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