Give Bastion a "Transportation Mode"

There’s a character called MUL-T in the game “Risk of Rain 2” with an ability called “transportation mode.”

When used he automatically changes into that mode and he gets increased movement for a short time but cannot attack. Ramming into enemies does damage based on current speed (I only recorded the use of the ability because the idea is pretty straight forward.)

What if Bastion’s E gave him his tracked form for a short time with higher speed but with no active weapons like this? It’s useless if you intend on standing still so it doesn’t benefit bunker comps but it’s useful for getting into position or getting out of danger. Transformation time into this mode would be shorter than the other transformation. Ironclad would be active in this mode.


I’m all for it. Been awhile since we had a new idea.


Bastion’s new E ability:


It’d be nice… but not really all that useful, it doesn’t address where Bastion is currently having too hard a time.

getting rushed down is one of his problems. This let’s him keep some range if that happens. It also let’s him quickly move from sentry (since the transformation is faster into this mode than into recon from sentry) so he can avoid stuff.

That’s not something you mentioned.

Transforming much quicker than 0.5sec (which is the time from sentry->recon) is going to be really hard to animate, it’ll just make Bastion look bugged.

Bastion isn’t even that slow, he’s got the same 5.5m/s move speed as almost every other hero.

Actually I did:

As you can see in the video, at least that version of it is pretty much instant.

That doesn’t mean mobility abilities are out of the question. Every hero moves that fast. Well, I could be wrong but I think Tracer and Genji move at 6 m/s. 5.5 m/s and no mobility abilities is considered low mobility isn’t it? Kind of like the difference between Ana and Mercy’s mobility. they move at 5.5 but Mercy has GA and that’s a world of difference. Of course GA has vertical mobility but I think you get the idea.

That model doesn’t change to a different model at all, just a “blown back” animation. One model changing into another very different model can’t happen that quickly without looking bugged. There needs to be time to show the intermediate forms.

i was thinking his E could be self destruct.
press it ,and he dies. but shows up in the spawn immediately.

this would give him a chance to be more adventurous with his position, and counter switch faster on point 2 def if needed.

I didn’t mean how it wouldn’t look weird. What I meant was how that ability is supposed to be very fast. It’s used for getting in or out quickly. 0.5 seconds to enter and leave is really, REALLY, bad for its intended purpose. Bastion’s treads sort of appear from nowhere already and it doesn’t feel weird (they don’t exist on his model until he ults at the moment).

(The forums took my level 3 again for absolutely no reason so I’m combining this response because it won’t let me post twice in a row.)
A button to die faster doesn’t sound very engaging for anyone.

he dies without the respawn waiting period(or a reduced one), its a teleport just for him.
you can die immediately and switch to something else at spawn, or just relocate to spawn and come right back.

it actually sounds a little too powerful, as many classes can babysit him to a more dangerous area on 2nd point, let him get a big kill, then he self destructs and they reposition.

it makes him less shield dependent on 2nd, which is where he is used most of the time anyway.

I used to play this back in 2017.

Totally not a china made rip off.
It was a french made game, who were in development during 2012-2015.
Now it’s dead, server shutdown, studio dissolved.

This was beautiful, totally not Overwatch, this was so cool, one of the best game ever made.
I remember creating an account named Bastion and playing this little robot.

You should look at what he was capable of.

The music and main theme was also awesome. Same as the game song.

Isn’t his transformation 1 second? :thinking:

The idea itself isn’t horrible, far from it.
It’s just, I’d rather Bastion Kept with the whole Damage over Mobility Stick it has.

I’d work this into his standard recon mode- imagine that exiting sentry was 2x as fast as it is now and granted a temp speed bonus to escape or chase down a target.

1 second recon->sentry mode… 0.5sec for sentry->recon.

This idea actually makes sense and the ability would fit Bastion’s character perfectly in my eyes. I’m all for this.

Also, make this ability able to go up walls like a Junk tire. Just cause why not.

Are you being sarcastic?

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Nope, totally serious. That would be sick to see Bastion on a wall, kinda like how when he goes into sentry mode he can’t be moved, he can grapple onto walls.