Hey hey I’m interested as well! Its CodyCuuBerry#1465 and I look forward to some chatter with everyone sometime! c:
Can you give me your discord tag please?
I’d love to join!
my discord tag is :
like OMG i totally want to join
i definitely think I accidentally got rid of this friend request because I didn’t know who it was, could I try again? My discord is jennothy#8122.
Are you sure that’s the right discord tag? It’s not working. Why don’t you add me? MissSammyJam#0204
I wish you all the best with the group. I need to find group that accepts guys with no friends.
Thanks a lot <3 Good luck!
Lumière#4706, my apologies for not responding to this earlier
I have sent you a friend add on discord
I’ve added you on discord!
Definitely interested. Sent you a request!
Im definitely interested! I’m pretty new to PC and I love playing support! My Discord is Rainmallow#8059 and my Bnet is Rainmallow#1892 (my PSN is also rainmallow
Hi! I’m one of the mods for the channel. I’ll send you an invite!
I’m interested!
Discord: CocoCalypso#9949
I don’t care about your gender, just add me Takumi23#2460
Also i have Discord: AraragiTakumi#5853
CocoCalypso I couldn’t add you…you need to add me!! You have invitations disabled.
Please stop posting here, this forum is only meant for serious replies.
i’m serious. Trust me.
Sorry, I think I fixed it. Could you try again, pls?