GG can be harmful

You are spot on with this. Tone and how you say things mean much more than people either realize or more likely care to admit.

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Mhhm. If you ask people after a match “Do you really mean that?” You may get some surprising results.

And its not mean to confirm a GG statement but the reactions you’ll can be very enlightening.


99.9999999999999999999⁹% of players are just trying to say “gg” to be polite… Why read so far into it?


Oh no, I ask all the time now when they say “gr” – What exactly made that round so “gr” but last round you didn’t say anything - and i either get crickets (90% of the time) or I get something to the effect, cause we won that round.

This same logic applies more often than not to GG. Ask the winning team after they’ve stomped you why was it a GG… I already know the answer but it is entertaining.


so this here ^^ is what i am saying, call out a good play that made you say GR/GG don’t just dump it in chat like the other team is some charity case, or wait until the losing team says gg first, but in the end call out some good plays and know that you are being a better human being not just some random internet aimbot

Honestly, I consider it a little rude not to say GG. If you don’t say it, I think you’re a poor sport.


Because judging from what we witnessed from top500 which is a 1.0% value, much higher than stated in your post btw, a lot of them are toxic.

These are also our role models especially since many of them specialize in a specific role or hero.

Sooo…that’s a much bigger issue that speread toxicity then…we’d like.

I never dump GG into chat, in fact I’m usually quiet and never say anything – but when the opposing team is obvious about not really meaning gg or gr, I have to call it out… Life compels me too.


Fair nuff. I just find it rude myself to state GG if I stomped the opposing team or to say GG if my side got stomped.

I find it more respectful to keep quiet. Especially since Blizz is to happy about suspending people for attempts at any communication.

Anything can be harmful, we shouldn’t ban/censor everything

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What is this fragile take?

I say GG when it’s a GG, regardless of a W or L taken on my side.

If you don’t want to say it, then do you. Miss me with that “It’s best not to say it” BS.


This game is founded upon poor sportsmanship, it’s why they changed the “gg ez” lines to pre-fabricated lines. “GG” can be misconstrued as poor sportsmanship, or taken as a sign of good sportsmanship.

At this point, it doesn’t really matter as the lines of what it actually represents are so blurry.

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Git gud

I’m giving you best advice possible :wink:

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Way to prove the point toxic a$$

Perfect timing see now how can I interpret this reply? See as soon as you said “Please know your quotes” you sound very rude and condescending which I could say is “toxic”.

Hear that Powsey? You’re toxic but either way GG is just that a simple statement that can sound rude but a lot of times it your own interpretation and honestly I’d say just ignore it just move on you’ll never meet this person again in your life and honestly your life was fine before they entered it and will remain fine as soon as they leave like why care what a person you dont even know says?

GG, ty for tutorial.

I often run into the same people pretty frequently. Not every game, but enough to recognize their name. Some games are good, but not every game is a “good game”. If I happen to stomp a team, I’m not going to say “gg”

Did you get reported for what you think was just saying “GG” but is probably you said way more than that and think “banter” you use around friends is okay around complete strangers?

Because it boils down to… You don’t know them, they don’t know you. Stop being shocked that people report others for appearing like an :peach:

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I know the dude spamming “GG” every time me and the rest of the tean were trying to coordinate something was toxic. A message would pop up as four players kept trying to talk strategy and this dude kept spamming it in response to our messages.

Big bold letters of “GG!” In all chat. We never even bothered asking him for help he just went Genji and gave up on the team to charge in for suicidal dives without the team.

It’s not, except in this weird little game. Don’t know what it is about OW that makes everyone go insane.

And even if it was meant to be toxic. Really. This is not a problem to worry about beyond the two seconds it takes to say, ‘ok…jerk.’. How are people so easily wounded. I’ve always thought myself to be overly sensitive, and never really interacted with people that might be potentially toxic because of it. Then I met the OW forums and learned what overly sensitive really means.

I’ve got nothing on this place.

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