Getting Tracer Spray and Owl tokens

I tried to un-link and link my twitch and blizzard account but it wont let me link them again.


same with me it wont let me reconnect to twitch even though overwatch said it is connected twitch dose not


I’ve tried that but Twitch will not let me re-link the two accounts

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I’m having an issue. I received the rewards for watching 2 hours, and 4 hours, Twitch says I received the reward for 6 hours but I’ve logged into OW since then and it shows that I have not received the 6 hour rewards. I logged off both twitch and closed my Battlenet game launcher and closed OW and let it sit for several hours, Still no sign of the rewards. I even kept watching Twitch streams for several more hours to see if there was a hitch there. How do I get my earned rewards in OW that Twitch says I have earned?


I’ve also had this exact issue, where twitch says I have Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 of the drops, but in game I’m missing the tier 3 drops and unlinking and relinking doesn’t do anything. And as a side note after trying to unlink and relink a second time it now refuses to let me relink twitch with my blizzard account so, please fix this?

when i had this same issue i went to the forums for solutions and when i disconnected my from my twitch account and then tried to reconnect them it kept getting a failed to connect message.
i even tried the clear website data and cookies trick and i still get this failed to connect message.
i hope this bug gets fixed soon cause this is aggravating.

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None of the aforementioned tips help me get OWL tokens. Believe me, I’ve tried every single tip. I think there’s something wrong with the system itself and not the viewer. I’ve had this issue for the past MONTH but with no clear sign of resolving the problem.

I’m also having the same issue with collecting the final reward for the Twitch Drop Rewards. I’ve watched over 6 hours of Overwatch streams, and all the rewards are showing in my Twitch Drops Inventory.

I’ve tried unlinking my Twitch account from my Blizzard account, and now I can’t relink it.


I’ve unlinked my account, however I can’t link my account back up for some reason.


I’m in the same boat as most replies here. I can’t relink my Blizzard account to Twitch after unlinking it.


I’ve tried multiple combinations of troubleshooting steps including:

  • Removing the link from my Blizzard Account Settings > Connections first.
  • Incognito mode.
  • Using multple browsers (Desktop and mobile Chrome, Edge, IE)
  • Logging out from every device and browser along with clearing cache and cookies.
  • Heck, even making a new Twitch account.

Nothing worked.

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Same here. Didn’t get the third drop in OW even though Twitch said I got it. Unlinked and now it won’t re-link.

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Hey everyone, I apologize for the issue regarding not being able to relink the account. Please note, I only suggested as an option for the case of not earning any rewards whatsoever, and do not believe the unlink/relink will help with earning the tier 3 reward in any capacity (that is a different bug Blizzard is looking into).

In any case, I will see if Blizzard is looking into this problem as well.


I’m having the relinking issue as well
I just hope those that are affected get sorted


yeah it’s super annoying… i can’t connect them at all either… i want the sprays argh

Another person here having a problem with the third tier of sprays. I’ve already watched about 16 hours of streams, got the first two without issue, and the third set is not showing up in my Twitch notifications or my OW hero gallery. Is there any ETA on when this is going to be corrected, or at least an answer about whether you’re going to have to watch ANOTHER 2 hours of streams to get it once its fixed, or if it’s going to be awarded retroactively to all the people that aren’t getting it after 6 hours?

Okay, so I couldn’t reconnect on my phone, but I was able to reconnect on my laptop. Maybe its a moble thing.

Yeah I think it is because I could not get it to work on my phone but I got it to work on my computer. Also I got my tier three tracer sprays so that might be resolved too, dont know if that was just me tho.

Why is YouTube even used as a platform then? It’s simply complicated. Didn’t have these issues when OWL was on Twitch. I could just link accounts and get the tokens by surfing on Twitch and realizing: Oh cool, OWL is on.

YouTube does provide linked accounts aswell, but not for

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My drops came through yesterday! Woo!

Twitch is still weird and not showing it’s connected through the connections page, but battlenet is showing Twitch is connected. So idfk. :man_shrugging:

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Hey y’all,

It looks like Twitch made a deploy that resolved this the linking issue. Huzzah, they’re fast! If you continue to receive any errors please log out of both accounts then back in.

Thanks for reaching out! Cheers!

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