Getting some server lag

Its pretty much unplayable for me.


Yup just played two matches awful stuttering and general frame drops.

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Probably a smart move of microsoft blizzard to put out a failed patch on playstation, right before the christmas shopping spreee. who wants an xbox guys?


You can’t even scroll through the menus on PS5 right now without it lagging.

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Same problem, happy I didn’t insta q into comp.

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I’ve never had an issue till this patch on PS5. The stuttering and lag is so bad…


Same here getting some bad ps5 lag

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Same issue, never had FPS issues until this season 8 patch. And it’s not even specific to in-game, happens in menus and stuff too.

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Anyone know if they are working on hotfix? Haven’t seen this addressed by Blizz anywhere


I wonder if the ps4 version is the same? Anyone tried? It could be a temporary fix until blizzard wake up.

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Someone just told me in game they were playing on ps5 using the ps4 version of the game and they weren’t having any issues. I was playing on switch since I’m getting the ps5 issues too. So I guess the ps4 version is worth a shot?

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This is happening to me on PC as well. No platform is safe. TT.TT


Can confirm, PS4 version of the game has no stuttering issues.


PS5 here
Same issue
HUGE FPS DROPS across the game.

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Yep, PS5, borderline unplayable.

Also have the PC version: no issues there.

This is a PS5 specific issue, for sure.

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Any devs seeing this ??? This is unacceptable.

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Game is bad on FPS for the PS5 only it seems

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Apparently it’s being investigated but they’re vague on the details

There’s not even a specific mention of the PS5 and that’s where I see all the complaints coming from. It’s pretty late so I doubt they’re going to do anything about it today. There goes my daily challenges and the start of my weeklies…

It’s not a small issue either, the game is literally unplayable with the stuttering in the hero gallery, character select, and all the in-game menus.


I feel you man… Hopefully tomorrow it’ll be fixed.

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I find it wild that WoW had hotfixes implemented 2 hours ago yet this issue still persists… kind of disturbing that PSN users downloaded the S8 update, signed in then proceeded to purchase the Battle Pass only to discover that the game is unplayable on the PlayStation platform… if Xbox users were experiencing this, you better believe Phil Spencer would be on it and ensure that a hotfix would be in the works immediately.