Getting joined into EU and Asia servers in comp queues?

Hi all,

Before you ask – no, I don’t run a VPN or anything like it. Last few weeks/days I’ve been queueing as DPS into games for competitive, and finding myself in servers that are EU or Asia, when I myself am in NA.

I don’t know why this is happening when I am marking myself into NA servers only. As a primarily hitscan player it’s super frustrating to log in and find my ping is unbearable to play, and while I try to contribute to the teamwork, I fall behind because well… the ping is 150ms+.

Obviously this isn’t MOST games, and my ping is sub 30ms (I’m in Texas so generally good server distance), but I have no idea how to limit this from happening.

Thanks for any help. It has never happened to me before the last few weeks and this is playing OW since basically beta.

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Yeah its happening now. The best client side solution is to find a friend and q together, its way less chance to happen this way.