icl I have a mental image of drives as a buffet brawl. It’s a free-for-all and you’re just trying to wade through the stampede trying to get your share, but you keep being shoved, trampled, pushed to the ground.
Yeah a lot of people seems to forget that staggering is like a 99% chance of defeat, and most never recover after the first team fight, then they see you standing waiting for them to regroup and say your throwing lmao
People these days.
i’m still trying to figure out how it’s possible so many people are just… egregiously unobservant. Like you get a hit marker indicating the direction of the bullet that’s hitting you–why do these people just keep walking??? and not turn???
match maker is A, C and Trash. You can look it up for yourself. IM not repeating those terms here, as to how crap-tastic match maker is.
Overwatch is a fun game, but they flatout suck at match making.
Even world of warcraft pvp battlegrounds were seemingly ran from the low quality yellow computer hidden in the server closet running some old bloated windows 95 call script they probably copied from an old Bell south PBX robo Dialer for 90s telescammers.
basically all this game is now, 1 v 6 or if you are lucky you get a support or are the support doing their job which is rare. the overall player quality has gone drastically down hill and continues too since OW2… it is damn near mobile gamer type levels of bad players lol. MR put he nail in the coffin on this playerbase.
couldn’t get a good push because everyone was staggered all the time and they got toxic at me for “not going in” well I’m not going to go in unless everyone is behind me but one of y’all keep getting domed before we are all there
I agree. Why sacrifice discipline only to feed the enemy even more ult charge? Position and momentum matter a lot in this game; it’s a lot like American football that way.