Get these kids out of my games!

Thats just makes no sense

What exactly are my games being matched on then?

If theyre not being matched on my rank cus thats now useless supposedly, and im not being matched on my mmr because i will get people of random mmrs in my games anyways

What EXACTLY are they using to find matches

What am i being matched on?

  • pixie dust?
  • my battle pass lvl?
  • my player icon?
  • how much money ive spent?
  • if i bought a blizzcon ticket?
  • did i get the watchpoint pack?
  • what my favourite fast food is?
  • my political party?
  • gender, sexuality, race?
  • my mothers maiden name?
  • name of my first pet?

How am i being matched if not by mmr?

It makes perfect sense. And they explained it. Please read it again

They are using MMR to match you but you are assuming:

  1. that there are people at every second of every day with exactly the same MMR as you just waiting to play.
  2. that people only 2-stack, 3-stack or 4-stack with people with exactly the same MMR as each other.

If these two conditions are not satisfied, then it is logically impossible for you to get a match where everyone has the same MMR.

They try to make a “fair” match - we don’t know precisely what that means but based on the fox they are implementing I assume it’s something like the average MMRs of the teams are roughly the same.

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So they are using mmr now? Oh its a rollercoaster with you isnt it

Ok so how exactly are they using my mmr?

  • They looking at it and chucking it away?
  • they pretend they do not see? :see_no_evil:
  • they reading the first number and thinking ‘ahhh f🤬 it thats enough’?
  • they not got their glasses on?
  • dont tell me. ai? :robot:
  • they reading it backwards?
  • are they transcribing it from hieroglyphics etched on the walls of the pyramids?
  • are they playing Chinese whispers while they cube crawl?
  • does china have all the mmr and won’t let them see? I got a solution if so. Spy balloon :balloon:

I didn’t say MMR wasn’t used for matchmaking. For the second time,

You simply don’t understand and I can’t understand it for you.

I’m going to stop here.

Whole purpose of a ranked game is to get most competitive experience and being thrown into matches with players way above or below just sucks. But a f2p game cannot have 5min queue so lets put gold supports into master lobbies. This broken matchmaking shows how dead the game really is.

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Yes I agree - it shows, in my opinion, the playerbase isn’t healthy enough to sustain appropriately competitive games

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Nope. I stopped playing this filth a while ago. I just watch streams from time to time, and try to help people wisen up about what’s really going on.


Bruh. It’s the matchmaker’s fault. They shouldn’t be there. Not their decision.

And then you admit outright to reporting people for playing badly? Bruh.


True, but at least by the time you play a couple more matches, the chances of you getting paired with the same guy again is unlikely

Top 3 absurd things I’ve read in this thread :

  • Players should be banned for something they can’t control ( MM screwing up )
  • Plat players are bad because they can’t perform like Masters in a Masters game
  • I dont like getting 1 dude in my team, but instead of avoiding/dodging queue I complain in the forums.

Cmon dude … solution is there. Use it.
Its just that simple.


Dude’s acting like he’s auditioning for the next OWL team or something…

cool i suppose lmao.

Seeing him get his ego wounded and ending up focus locked on a DPS Moira who was consistently out-playing him was some fantastic comedy. Particularly when he thinks about going Mei, who is a pretty good counter to Moira if your mechanics aren’t the best, but the ego doesn’t allow it.

Sorry your misfortune is our gain.

Tell me about it. It’s crawling in my skin…

ive actually had the same team again in the next match though i think we got steam rolled that match while the previous match we won

I’ve said it before, each match should have an option to report blizzard for their matchmaking. the results of these reports should determine how big (or small) or non-existent their bonus is at the end of the year.

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Matchmaking is a joke, 2 games in a row with a dps that had 1 kill on 7-10 deaths lol complete brain dead players or kids/bots

1: If they end up in masters games whilst being nowhere near that skill level, odds are that’s on the matchmaker in which case it wouldn’t be fair to punish them for it.

2: Look at your in-game menu, go to social, go to recent players, right-click the player in question, select “avoid as teammate”, done. The game literally gives you a tool to not have people you had a bad experience with on your team again. Use it.

aren’t games for kids tho? just a food for thought