Get these kids out of my games!

Heres another one


Bot dps cant get more than 2 kills again. Theyre both hardstuck plat 4’s btw, im masters 1

Great matchmaking and people keep saying that rank doesnt matter, only mmr does. YES IT DOES!!! Rank is arguably more important than mmr.

Rank is where an individual has managed to get to. Mmr is completely useless if they can never get to the rank their mmr says theyre supposedly at. Someone can have masters mmr but if they can never get to masters it means nothing

Mmr is actually the more useless number. Its just guessing where you should be rather than where you actually are

The only reason im getting these trash players is because i won a bunch yesterday to climb from masters 2 to masters 1. People keep saying losers queue isnt a thing. So Explain then how as my rank goes up i get worse teammates? That is the opposite of how ranks work. The higher you go the better your teammates should be. But that isnt what happens at all. You win a load of games and then get put with the worst and least skilled players known to man to bring your rank back down again.


You have another Masters support, and I can’t really see much about your tank or the enemy tank, since one has a common name and the other is private.

Both Azerbaijan and Drowsy have fairly good stats, and while I can’t see any comp ranks, The other teams dps;
Suqmadikk - bugged profile with no stats
Yardbzh - Similar stats to Drowsy or Azerbaijan

Honestly take a break, like a few days, your out here talking about losers queue calling other players trash in front of the whole forum.

On a side note, they need to let us see the scoreboard and actually be able to view accounts of those in matches so this is less painful.

Because that’s what is happening …. And they are trash. You can see from the gameplay they are trash lol. 2nd replay code, the one on kings row, they cant even 1v1 a moira they are that garbage at the game. We would have won the first point after only the first fight, but we are playing a 3v5 because they cant do anything.

Its the same guy on both the first games as well. Its not just an anomaly. How can you or anyone sit there and tell me thats master level play? Sorry but that is BS. That is peak gold/plat level play and considering i am just shy of GM i should not be getting this experience near enough EVERY :clap: SINGLE :clap: GAME

Its not just a coincidence that after i climbed up a division yesterday i now get placed with these bots. This ALWAYS happens when you win a bunch of games. You win and then get placed with considerably worse players because the game thinks you are now too high so needs a way to bring you back down. So you get shoved with these absolute chimpanzees which basically force you to play games at a disadvantage to win

I want any ow2 developer to come and try to defend these replays and say they’re fair and balanced matches. If they do they are lying through their teeth because anyone with eyes can see that is not the case. Its not just a ‘bad game’ that causes their dps to go 20 2 while my dps go 2 7.

Anyone who plays competitive can argue they experience the exact same.

Games are not balanced!
One team always has players WAY better than the other!
Its time for the BS match rigging to stop and us have actual balanced games!


Bruhh this song brings back so many memories from the 2000s

Never said it was purely masters level play, and more importantly I was talking about that 3rd replay. Since the other two involved one player you were complaining about, and I’m not going to participate in witch-hunting.

But if you want to talk about that game, they choked, but you then proceeded to just feed. Leaving your team to push out while you’re respawning? Or when you just sat in spawn after getting focused down by the Moira.

You began throwing and tunneling on the Moira while you left a BRIG to heal the team. Then on the next round you didn’t even fight.

Your mental is absolutely in shambles if you’re throwing like that, seriously. Take a break.


i hope you re not the ana cause its 100% her fault on the end, not the dps

You are misunderstanding it.

It’s more the rank is useless because it only is there to get you to play enough to show you what they already know.

You problem is likely you just being unlucky with bad teammates.

So which player are you? Because swanky orc isn’t in this game?

theres a limit of only 3 people though

Is this console? i’m watching and i can’t understand wtf is going on tbh xD looks like a sh*tshow, can’t tell what rank it is ngl

Anyway, I can’t describe with words how bad is ow2 rank system is, EVERY match is inconsistent, there is no such thing as “masters” game, because you will be the only master in your team and they will have only one master in their (not even in a rank of master, with an mmr of master)

This rank system is super abusable, they literaly encouraging you to throw in bad games instead of trying hard to win, in order to keep good stats so the mmr will like you and rank you higher.

This is just so stupid i have about 100000000 bad things to say about this rank system i really don’t know where to start. this is just stupid, stupid af, i hope they fire whoever thought about this braindead rank system, that’s all hehe

So did Swanky buy out blizzard or something because I’m failing to understand the concept of “his” games.


No the mmr is useless because it doesnt tell you how actually good a player is, the rank does a better job at telling you that.

If someone has been plat rank for 32 seasons i have a pretty good idea how good they will be. Yet those exact people are in my Masters 1 games. So if what blizz says is true, then they have to be the same mmr as me. Right? Thats how they said the matchmaking works. So if thats the case doesnt that prove mmr is completely worthless? If they have the same mmr as me yet can never get out of plat yet i can doesnt that prove mmr is redundant?

Like i said you can have masters mmr but if that person cant ever get out of plat to hit masters it means NOTHING. They are plat. End of story. Mmr is just wrong. Its the game purely guessing where someone should be while ignoring the fact they have been stuck in plat for 32 seasons. If they cant get out of plat, they are plat. Idc what mmr says they are.


Its just sounds like some gaslighting BS that a literal plat player would say

‘Oh im not plat, my mmr is actually masters i just choose to not leave plat’

Sure thing kid

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I see OP refuses to answer the question. Which player are you? I would like to see your gameplay as well as the ‘bad DPS’ you complain about. It’s only fair.

No they did not.

This is what you have confused.

You will not always be matched with people of the same MMR and if someone is plat for 32 seasons, their MMR will definitely be plat.

My little brother and his friend just reached diamond this season,
In overwatch 1 they were hard stuck in low bronze till the end, in 5 seasons even <500

Yes they did lol.

They literally said the game matches you on your mmr and thats why the decay is fine and ranks are useless. You now get decayed back ~700sr but will still get matched with people of the same mmr as you so even if im decayed to plat rank i still get ‘masters’ mmr games

(I say ‘masters’ in quotation because it ironically actually feels like gold-plat games)

That is what they LITERALLY said

If im being matched with plats, and they are the same mmr as me, how come they cant get out of plat?

I want a straight answer from someone who is trying to defend this system

Small indie company. What do ya expect?

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Did they start the match by role thing yet? That might be it. If plat dps are on one team, the other will have plat dps too. And you could end up with different ranks on the same team. They never said how wide the gap could be.

:roll_eyes: jesus christ. I didnt think it could get any worse. Bronzes being boosted to diamond :no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth:

Can you see if you can grab a replay or 2 for me please? I want to watch them play a couple matches to see what they play like

Yes its console. And the fact you cant tell what rank it is nor understand what is going on, i think perfectly sums up the problem

Yes i believe they have. And everyone can look back on my previous posts and see for themselves that i called this exact problem out weeks-to-months ago.

In fact, i’ll do it all for yous. Here ya go. I made this post 8 weeks ago


Yes the game uses MMR for matchmaking - the clue is in the name.

That does not mean that everyone you find in your game has the same MMR.

They even gave specific reasons you get people of different MMR in the same game and they specifically said they were implementing a fix that keeps MMR of players in a particular role similar to those of the enemy team BECAUSE there are differences in MMR across the teams.

Please read it again.

The part you are referring to is them saying that it is not always the case that players of different rank have different MMR. This is not the same as saying that every game has players of the same MMR.

Normally, I think Blizzard have issues with communicating clearly but this is simply you not understanding what they said (although admittedly, it is complicated).