Get rid of bastion (permanently)

honestly when you removed that stupid bucket of bolts to “fix” things it should of never been brought back…what ever you changed didnt fix that bastion remains mega OP…bastion is an IT as bastion is a ominic and ominics have no gender

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Play zenyatta or ask your team to play him, put discord on bastion, shoot his tank sized hitbox, kill him, profit.


Tbh the week he was gone was the only plus of this entire release.

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Bastion can’t stay in turret form forever anymore nor can he heal himself, on top of this he makes very loud and obvious noises from across the map when in turret form. Stop being a potato and don’t 1v1 him until he switches back so you can then shoot him like the giant refrigerator he is.

Basic awareness check, Bastion is the least of your issues as you climb because people with a brain don’t just walk up to him in his strongest state.


This looks like a sign pointing towards serious underlying issues.

On topic: imagine they would take bastion completely out of the game, then tanks would be dumb strong and the Zarya lots of people still complain about had one less counter in the game.
Just switch to a “snipey” char, nuke bastion until he swaps and then swap back.
Rinse repeat, this is Overwatch.


Bastion’s official bio for OW2 uses “he”. Also, plenty of other omnics have genders. Zenyatta, Mondatta, Maximilien, Orisa, Echo…


Doesn’t matter, your team backpedals and the 2 slowest people usually die, it creates more space than a tank does and pretty much destroys team play.

turn any corner




Tanks are dumb strong, but having one character that’s basically a necessity to counter it dumb design on both sides.

He can’t even melt a tank consistently with his sentry form because of the duration, if your team is backpedaling every time it’s not a Bastion issue.

Bastion is fine? Bastion only melts at closer ranges, and now that Sentry has a limited duration, once it’s on cooldown you can rush him down without much consequence because he loses a lot of firepower. Bastion’s recon gun is kind of a worse 76 gun, and his hitbox is massive.

Let’s be honest, if you’re getting killed by Bastion a lot, you probably fall into either of these:

  • You are out of position
  • Went up against it without your cooldowns
  • Went up against it from a stupid angle
  • You are out of position
  • You are out of position
  • You are a Winston that jumped in on the backline supports whom Bastion was protecting

If your team is to blame its a skill issue not a balance issue

I’m just going to assume you’re a Bastion main or are using him to climb and that you’re not actually oblivious to how overtuned his sustained dps is.

It’s pirate ship comp, but now it’s mobile, with a Rein that is even more resilient than before and supports that really don’t have to swap off pocketing/boosting the bastion. It’s not a skill issue, it’s a balance issue that leads to boring matches.

Can you even call it pirate ship anymore? Bastion can only be a turret 1/3 of the time.

Well with two of my teammates including myself being GM’s or diamond stuck in bronze,and the other half being new players, dealing with him can be annoying when nobody listens or uses a microphone.

It’s up faster than the dead can run back from spawn.

But yes, it’s the same strat, same heroes, same oppressive outcome. And in low to mid ranks it’s boring af. I don’t even like doing it even if it means a win b/c usually I’m just sitting there waiting for bastion to do his thing. It’s dumb.

D.Va is also a hard Bastion counter. Destroys him with ease.

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Not with a pocket. And even if she dives him and succeeds, now she’s out of position, probably dead or out of mech and now you have an angry Rein free to swing at your frontline. All while Mercy rezzes the Bastion.