I dont think it will be Snipe Meta someday. There are too low advantages and few positions for sniper on open sight. Horizon is ideal map, but KotH maps are really bad for Sniper.
Remember that Hanzo is actually best at medium range.
Best at Medium Range like Soldier76 and McCree. Nothing special, just he is more agile than both but they are better choice for Meta over Hanzo.
Except that he can one shot which means less potential for the enemy to save one of their own. Also, he may actually become more agile after they add leap.
He won’t be able to one shot once he has leap they are completely removing scatter and he cannot oneshot most tanks. Or are you talking headshots?
Headshots. They won’t take that away. And I meant squishies not tanks.
Yup literally no way.
This is hilarious. I love it
No way this will ever happen!
3 Months Later
Oh how I wish you were right!
i hope you’re not a gambler
Ouch mate… hanzo/widow dominating the game mcree/soldier are in the trash…
I called sniper meta a year ago.
get on my level.
Somebody give this man a slow clap!
…fml lol.
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Ouch… This post didn’t age well at all!