Get over it and give constructive feedback

That’s only the first part of what the Mercy did. Didn’t die, waited for the right moment to recontest and only 1 person remembered where she was. Went in showing good mechanical use and understanding of abilities by flying into a team of 6, contesting long enough to escape in time when knowing that another teammate can tag in. Waits a bit more and gets a successful Rez which again was only stopped by that 1 player who kept track of where she was.

so mercy doing what any other can do during ult is evidence for you, tracer, mei, genji, lucio all of them can do that with their normal kits

Against a full team of 6, Mei is really the only thing that has a chance.

tracer can definitely stall for the same or more time with her normal kit

Mercy wasn’t hiding and not healing her team? She just didn’t stand right with her team and avoided getting graved there.

Tracer would have burned blinks just to get to the point, and would be out when she recalled and was away from it. At least in ranks where people can actually aim, that’s not going to happen.

If we are going to quote EeveeA:

I don’t disagree, I think the HPS during valk should be higher as I stated in the OP.

besides her having evasion tactics still doesn’t make her ult good by any means it is still a glorified spectator mode with the occasional contesting properties but most likely you’ll end up dead after it ends merely prolonging the inevitable

And if the Valkyrie is the one and only solution, then yeah. Because now it’s just like it was before, and even then it felt weak. It should be shorter, but have more burst heal.

Oh, constructive feedback? Okay then.

Mercy can never be both Fun AND balanced so long as Rez is on E, and she was at her most fun anand balanced when it was her Ultimate.

To such end, it would benefit both her players and the game as a whole if she were reverted back to her pre-rework state, i.e. Mass Rez.

Idea for better Mercy:

  • 60 hps
  • Mass Rez back as ult, but with LoS requirement and 1 second cast time, and a full self heal upon successfully casting rather than invulnerability during the cast.
  • Valkyrie as E. 16 second cooldown. 4 second duration. Allows uninhibited flight for its duration. Immediately resets passive self heal timer, though it can still be interrupted if shot afterwards. Removal of chain beam or uniteruptable self heal.

Constructive enough for you?

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The some skill that require single rez to use

Nano boost is spectator also just press Q and watch your teammate do your job, zen ult is spectator mode also just press Q and watch your teammate.

FOR the last time, counterplay ISN’T the reason it got removed DEV didn’t even mentioned that they removed it because it has no counterplay in mercy developer update, it got removed To eliminate hide and rez playstyle which was against her design.

During Valk you can help your team engange on both offense and defense, it’s clearly not going to help you against team wipe ults because that’s not what it’s meant for.

You have both chain healing and damage boosting available to you while having a bird’s eye view of the field, it’s up to you to decide whether you need to heal or damage boost based on what you see.

Another important aspect is also to help secure kills, during those 15 seconds Mercy has the best movement in game. You can secure kills on targets that otherwise would have gotten away and be right back again to support your team.

Team members don’t always care about such semantics. If their Mercy is not healing them when they expect to be healed, if their Mercy is not going out of their way to rez them then they are obviously throwing. The Hide’n’rez concept of the past (prior to the rework) has tainted a significant part of the community so any form of strategic play, including using your gun at select moments, is considered throwing by some of your team members and will get you reported.

Almost like we weren;t talking about why it was removed.

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Changing the world around you is one thing, but this is Activision Blizzard.
Just see how much they have listened to feedback in WoW for the past 12 years. Took them 11 years to accept vanilla servers. And they have basically ignored every other suggestion made about the game for 12 years.

I still don’t understand what you are trying to tell me here. So if that same situation happened in your game. You think your team would rather have had you pop Valk to try and heal them through a Gravito+Dragon strike even though Mercy has no way of outhealing the damage? And would report you for not using it?

No you failed when your idea involved Mass Rez.

Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying.

And how that makes it not constructive?

Guess we should remove

  • EMP
  • Transcendence
  • Sound Barrier
  • Photon Barrier
  • Graviton
  • Blizzard
  • etc etc.