Get All-New Overwatch 2 Loot with the BlizzCon® Collection Bundle!

Three characters:


Do players who own the “virtual ticket” get discount on the “Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle” since both includes the BP?

No. and It’s one of my main complaints that I’ve brought up here on the forums. The Blizzard Bundle (that shows the new Moira skin in the background) does not come with the new skins in the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle. You will need to purchase the bundle on OW2 for $40 if you want the new skins. It does not include a discount so you’re basically purchasing 3 skins, 2000 coins and I think a spray and a voice line for $40 if you already have the battlepass.


Hard pass


Bring leveling up lootboxes back.

Your reward system is unmotivating and greedy.

I don’t buy stuff in a game where 80% of the content is hidden behind micro-transaction, I buy stuff MAYBE to complete a collection, like if I would’ve earned 4 of the 6 battle olympus skins I would’ve happily paid $20 for the remaining 2 to say that I have all.

Have none of the skins earnable, and I don’t want a single one.


$50 and you get 1000 CREDITS?! Not Coins. CREDITS.


someone at marketing at blizz needs to be a brainded zombie, there is no other explanation to being this incompetent at gauging the value and pricing of stuff


No discount, but I’d bet that the ultimate bundle will go on sale for Black Friday, so just wait until then. If you hit 80 by then, the 20 tier skips will go to Season 8, as well.

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you can’t be serious


You mean back when you could almost lie about respecting your playerbase and people might believe you?

Praise our Lord Bobby for gracing us peasants with this amazing deal :pray:


What about to fix SA server??? Lobby server is forcing us to play in US server (ORD1) with extreme high ping… ALMOST TWO WEEKS WITHOUT ANY FIX!!!

Why Advertise the Moria skin in the season 7 trailer, give us the pass in a bundle for $50 and then decide to not give us the contents that was in the $40 bundle with the battle pass. Expect me to pay for the battle pass again? Why would I buy the $40 bundle when I originally bought the $50 one? I’m not going to pay $90 for a battle pass good luck scamming someone else out of their money.


We do not receive rewards after more than 24 hours since we acquired the blizzcon collection

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:skull::skull::skull::skull: Blizz things as expected


It’s a sigma skin… :face_vomiting:

The contents of the “Legendary” Pack:

  • 1000 Credits (not Coins!!!)
  • An Epic skin (I know the bundle is called Legendary but you get a meh Epic Sigma skin)
  • Two weapon charms you’ll never use.
  • A Battlepass you already bought. Oh and it doesn’t allow you to upgrade it to the Ultimate Battle Pass.
  • A few useless things for the other games you don’t play.
    Blizzard have redefined the term value for money once again /sarcasm
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I get why from this forum, but people keep forgetting to acknowledge that this is a package that is more than just Overwatch 2 - it’s for multiple Blizzard games. You are getting more stuff than the Overwatch 2 stuff at this price.

To me, the value isn’t there for buying it since I only play Overwatch. Others may find value in it, but one thing is for certain is that as usual, it’s clear what is in the package for those people that love to incorrectly use the word “scam”.

Thanks for the tips you’re probably right.

Yeah you don’t even get discount or at lowest compensation from already owning the BP. I mean the the Sigma skin is exclusive to the virtual ticket it seems and the “Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle” cosmetics are only available in that bundle so what about players who want all 3 skins? Why should they have to buy the BP twice?

I just don’t understand Blizzard.