Genos "cosplay": another Hanzo Casual 2017?

For those who don’t remember this story, in 2017 Hanzo casual received a small change following feedback that Hanzo too little resemblance to that white beard. the developers acted:

I quite understood the philosophy around Genji Genos in that playstation blog article. But… it’s objectively a huge difference that tuft of hair. :neutral_face: The few amateur examples online make an honest difference.

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I never would have guessed that Genji’s skin was supposed to be Genos without being told. Holy crud that sucks. Kiriko’s is even worse. Doom’s is passable, only because Saitama’s outfit is so simple, needs a tiny cape instead of the long flowing one he has though.

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I think Genji looks better with his current hairstyle. The genos hairstyle looks worse.

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Yep, this was the Hanzo skin I was talking about lol. I remember when it came out and I laughed so hard.

It was a really good thing they fixed it.

How is saitama passable for being simple. But terrible tornado isn’t a simple skin? Black dress green hair. That’s it. Her and Genos are both very simple skins.

I only had an issue with the Kiriko skin when I saw it was marked as legendary tbh. It kinda feels like Meirry all over again.

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Is phenomenaly lazy and quite an embarrassment to call it a legendary. It is nothing more than an upper-mid tier epic skin.

I mean I agree. But it’s legendary because it’s a character collaboration. Not because the skin itself is legendary. I mean if they wanted the skin to be legendary I. Quality they would have picked a different character with such a better outfit.

It’s a blatant, lazy cash grab. It’s genuinely sad to see how many people actually threw 20 bucks at that. And I’m not even one of those people that have an irrational fear of monetization - I’ve bought multiple battle passes, skins, and I’m considering the Saitama skin. But selling something of that poor quality at a premium price is simply pathetic.

See if buy the one piece bundle in heart beat. And one of those skins would just be jorts, a straw hat, and a button down sleeveless shirt. And I’d buy it because I love one piece.

Fair. But they couldn’t even be bothered to get the outfit right or make her kunai interesting. It’s like having luffy’s straw hat turned into a similarly colored fedora :nauseated_face:

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