Genji needs a buff

Ammo to 27 and damage to 28. That would be a nice middle ground. His too squishy and does way less damage and confirms less kills now.


Nah he doesn’t, hes fine. I thought he was gonna be trash but hes totally playable.


personally i’d rather see his dmg back to 29 but keep his ammo at 24. i’d rather him not be as spammy and more wary about his ammo for overall less dps + downtime as a starter. a few other things i thought that needed looking at is removal of dps passive from him and synergies with blade. considering the issues were the dps passive and dmg boosted blade. he doesn’t need a flat out buff at the moment, just a buff and a few nerfs along with it as i’ve suggested for example.

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No, just no, no he doesn’t


Genji is in a good place. He feels just as strong as before but requires a little more pacing to be more effective. I think what it is now is a good middle ground, tbh.

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Compared to what?


He still kicks my a-s-s

No thanks.

Nope. High mobility characters shouldn’t get insane burst and damage. Mobility should come at a cost, as it rarely seems to in games these days. Tracer is kind of an exception since she has 150 HP and has to do an actual thing to have more effective HP.

Yes, I’m not only referring to Genji.

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Naaaaaahhh, he’s fine.

Mehhhh, he’s back to that bladebot playstyle and that’s really not fun for anyone. I’d love to see a nerf to Dragonblade in exchange for Genji being more viable in neutral. Nerf Sojourn and Kiriko and we’ll see more viable damage heroes.

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Most other DPS except tracer

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So Tracer, Genji and a nerfed Sombra.

What do you call those heroes?

I have a great buff for genji, nerf Sojourn. Pretty good right?

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Hes not back to blade bot, since we now don’t have 100 ccs hes much better.

absolutely no he doesnt even with the nerfs he got he still wrecks games

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I’m still doing fine but as a Genji main I can’t say no to buffs.

Honestly though I can see him getting 28 dmg, probably not for a while though lol. Blizzard takes their time in learning what they did wrong, balance or anything wise.

Wait until the next mythic skin.

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This prooves nothing

Other DPS heroes are suffering way more than Genji is and are in diar need of buffs. You lose 2 damage and lose your minds while other DPS heroes have had sledgehammers to their entire kits, in some cases multiple nerfs to a single ability ONTOP of nerfs to others.

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