Genji is too good at 1v1s

Genji requires all of this, just to a lesser degree.

LMAO, you’re saying “no aim, no brain” while describing a process far more elaborate than what any character in this game has to do to get value. It’s just stupid. And unless the enemy player is standing still, you will miss shots without semi-accurate tracking even with Genji’s buffs.

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Genji in his current state is easier than Moira has ever been. Proven Fact.


Once again, confirmation bias. Just because you or someone else can get kills by spamming arrows doesn’t mean anything.

If Hanzo is so easy to play well then why don’t you main him?

And yeah, I do main Hanzo. I find aiming with him much harder than with hitscans like Ashe, McCree or Widowmaker. Honestly, I don’t care about your opinion on how much skill Hanzo takes because you, like a lot of ignorant people, mistakenly assume that there’s no way to consistently land headshots.

In my opinion, the skill ceiling for Hanzo is much higher than that of hitscans.

Regardless, I can play a lot of DPS heroes and do well with them. But the same probably can’t be said for Gengu mains.

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I describe this as a hitscan main, who got his gengu at 4k range before he was at a pop-state hero, bladebotting everything which was not dead, and which was dead revive and blade bot them again. Yes, nothing hard to jump out of players los abusing 5,5 m/s speed (which is 10% advantage against regular) and overmobility, now with reapper’s shotguns in a package. Genji had great ballance in terms of skill/reward now it becomes broken and favour noobs, same with my Ashe I guess at some point.

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I don’t think he’s easy. I just think he’s a terrible example to use against Genji’s aim requirements. In a close range 1v1, he needs to be more accurate than Genji, yes, but much of the pressure he would’ve been facing originally has been alleviated greatly by Storm arrow and his leap.

To say it in the words of moira, roadhog and tracermains: the game is not balanced arround 1vs1 xD.

Admirable? It doesn’t change literal facts. His kit is more mechanically complex than most of the cast. I didn’t say you needed special training or a high IQ to play Genji and difficulty is largely subjective.

And most forgiving also.

A good nerf will be to only activate his passive during ult, meaning he will have normal movement speed during non ult states.

It’s okay though, let’s all forget about balance and let Genji mains maintain their epic (weeb) quest to become Hokage of the overwatch village.

Thats… what he was made for.
This is like complaining that Ana heals Tanks too much, that’s what she was made to do

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Where in any description does it say that Genji is supposed to have the upperhand in 1v1 situations against other DPS?

Stop having delusions thinking you are the MC of some weeb ninja samurai Anime that’s supposed to win every fight.

This mentality is so apparent that even when I kill a Genji 1v1, 90% of the time the Genji says “lucky shot”

I don’t care about the buffs or nerfs. What I do care about is the snobby, entitler, elitist Genjis that think the whole universe revolves around them.


Just saying but

OP is talking about GM and the weekly stats for it because the patch has only been out for a few days. There he has a 58.56% win rate with 21.25% pick rate

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All this complex I can compare with an effort of 1 good flick in the head as hitscan, which requires more focus, more dophamine and noradrenaline stability in your synapse, than casual right click spamming + 180ing. Do you know any succesfull gengu player who also plays hitscan consistently? I know many vice versa players, who like god widow/Ashe and pretty consistent at gengy when he is a pick. Kit is a kit - it self describes as a low effort approach to a fps game at first place. So only reward to effort condition left behind all those facts, which is completely failing rn on genji character.

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yea i guess after turning Mccree into a braindead hero, Genji is next in line

Reaper doesn’t have a tank buster description, but he is known for being that.

And Tracer/Genji are known for being duelists…so is McCree.

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I know “point and click 5head” is more difficult than it sounds, but you’re making it sound more difficult than it actually is.

A high rank Genji will be pretty consistent on any DPS hero unless they’re literal one tricks, so I’m not sure what your point is.

It “self-describes” as the gimmicky tools a hero uses to work. McCree has a skill that literally keeps people from moving and totally eliminates the demand on his aim, Widow has a skill that poisons and simultaneously gives her a wall hack, Ashe has an AOE dynamite than can totally eliminate the demand on her mechanical aim.

You can argue the philosophy of it in an FPS all you want, but at the end of the day, every hero has one and Genji’s is more mechanically complex than most if not all of the other heroes’. Genji now thrives in 1v1s against inconsistent players, but that’s only one small aspect of a match and the game is not balanced around it.

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The thing is, compared to clicking on the right pixels at the right time…it isnt. Fan shuriken is extremely forgiving in terms of aim. Dash requires the character be at the center of your screen. Deflect is front facing invulnerability thay is cancelable and the opponent cannot react to the cancel.

Maybe genji is a difficult hero, but hes not mechanically difficult. Being able to turn quickly 180 degrees is just not a incredibley difficult mechanical skill.

What are you playing? Hanzo? Yeah, you don’t win that matchup.

Even though I think genji is OT right now, This game is not based around 1v1s therefore this argument is irrelevant.

I’m sorry to tell you but I highly disagree with you, the “out puts” you are talking about in mecree’s case require a huge factor that is fundamental to fps games - aim.
aim is a huge skill that takes years to master, and almost always you can get better at it, genji requires little to no aim, 95% of his skill cap is based upon movement, all this APM isn’t the difference between pro players and lesser players, even if you heard it somewhere it’s not true, everyone who plays a hero enough will get used to it and have their APM increased, genji is a hero that fits much more to a third person game than it is to an FPS game, and to be fair his “mechanical complexity” is questionable, the most complex tool in his kit is hit ultimate which requires a small plan before usage, the rest of his kit is quite forgiving.

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OWL is ded.
OW is semi-ded.

They need to revive it, so they buffed the icon hero - GENGU

Watch it, next step would be something equally stupid.

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