Genji has the most forgiving hitboxes in the game, yet Genji mains complain about auto lock on more than anyone else

Ye after you do brig gm, tag me once ure done.

What about venom mine, that doesn’t take aim and it kills.

GG WIDOW = Low skill

Ok never mind I’m not arguing with you anymore. Have a fun time in plat or whatever stupid rank you’re at


If venom mine counted for 50% or more of widows kills I would totally agree. Are you trying intentionally to lose this argument?

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The only beef I have with DragonBlade (but this also affects Reinhardt’s hammer), is that it doesn’t properly respect map geometry. Like, you can stand behind the fencing on Illios Well while he’s swinging on the other side of it, but because the spherical hitbox can touch you, you still get hit, despite the fact that, for all intents and purposes, you were out of his reach.

This is also noticeable near door openings, where both Reinhardt and Genji can hit you from the other side of the wall.


I’m a diamond scrub widow. Doesn’t matter what rank though, genji is high pickrate and high success at any rank. Unlike heroes that take real skill.


Oh I get it!

You’re an angry widow main who is annoyed that Genji counters her and you want Genji to be completely useless so widow can dominate.

Gotcha :wink:


And you’re annoyed mom doesn’t let you out of basement why do you even bother making up insults…

why would i get to gm? i never said i can play genji, i actually think he’s hard. i never manage to kill anything as genji…maybe with blade sometimes in mystery heroes if i get lucky :woman_shrugging:
i am very content being a happy lil robo monk down in diamond, tyvm <3

they shot a deflecting Banjo and now they mad.
can I make a thread to nerf his double jump cause it’s hard for me to aim above my head? Jeff hear me out… :V

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Except you literally are an angry widow main who is annoyed that Genji counters her.

I’m not even making this up homie

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Dude, your point was I can only be right if I get gm with gengu, my point is you can only be right if you get gm with brig. You’re not gonna do that. I’m not gonna do that. Are you getting what I’m trying to tell you here?

Cool. Are you gonna make many more replies before trying to argue again, or have you just totally given up because genji is no skill and you know it I’m not even making this up homie.

yeah but why would i get to GM with Brig? i never said she’s EZ, I actually don’t even think she’s easy, i tend to die often with her, she and Ana are the only supports i didn’t play this season lol…

are you that out of arguments that you’re just making stuff up? this is really becoming boring now , lame.

McCree is an ez hero because flashbang is aoe


Play Genji if you think he takes no skill and then maybe if you’re right I’ll see you in masters


You don’t think brig is easy. Okay, cool, we’re done here.

lol if you got destroyed by a genji who was so good it appeared the player was not even aiming or looking in your general direction then sorry for you my friend, it happens to everyone.


i mean, i don’t think she’s the hardest hero out there but, to me she isn’t easy since idk how to play her lol…i find zen to be easier :woman_shrugging: and Moira…if we’re talking healers.

some people also say Rein is kinda easy yet I only played him in comp ONCE when they made me…I would rather play literally any other tank, i find him (and other front line heroes) really hard and unpleasant to play lol

And? Even if it is the most guaranteed kills ult, one of the DPS ults has to be. (And I’d even argue that no ults are guaranteed kills, so I’m not sure what you mean by that.)

Why not blade where you have to play it careful to get those kills off?

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People still complaining that they can’t hit Genji.

Christ, the game has been out for two whole years. If your aim is still doodoo and still can’t hit a Genji, then you need to improve that aim.

He’s actually much easier to hit since he’s always jumping, and jumping is easier to track/hit than people crouch spamming and A/D spamming on the ground.