Genji has broken a record

Over 8% pick rate in GM for a DPS.

This has NEVER happened before. We are in uncharted territory now.

For those saying his pick rates was going down, The Brig changes saw the end to that.


All according to plan.

Blizzard renames Overwatch 2 to GenjiWatch


Just counter ult him solo gravs have been my way to go.
nano boost and dragon blade for grav is an over all win for ult economy.


They are coming for you.
You must Prepare.

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It’s ok, I have been going to the gym, I am fit, and can laugh long and hard enough without passing out now.


Throws Torbs old armour pack at you

Nothing to worry about. Unless there’s something to worry about. As dr. Liau would say.


I’ll take genjiwatch over mercywatch any day of the week.


Get your games in now, it won’t last forever.

weebwatch better trademark name, ya im that salty about the state of the game and the cringy defense weebs make for it daily.

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I’m not salty as such, the cringy conversations is pretty funny though. Like, less and less of the Genji mains are willing to go in to bad for the “not OP” side.

I’m just really interested in knowing what the dev teams is trying to do with the lack of reverts here.

It isn’t like they don’t know that it broke.


i mean in their creatorswatch discord another trademark they are still crying that genji cant kill brig single handedly and also that he is balanced and enjoyable now.

So i wouldnt hold my breadth for balance anytime soon.
its going to be weeb meta for the near future.


The longest charging ult in the game to counter one of, if not the quickest charging ult.

You’re joking, right?


Lol how you wanna counter something that is charged long before you can charge counter ulti ?
Have you even tried playing Zarya ??? I dont think so…

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I can build grav In around a 1:00 1:30 and consistently shut down nano blade. it’s not some unstoppable force also shatter works wonders if you can keep track of double jump. But this is just my experience so…

I do play zarya as well as Reinhardt and both have the means to easily shut down nano blade if you can keep track of him

so only supports and tanks are allowed high pick rates? ok

And what? Genji can consistently get blade every team fight for somebody who knows how to play him even half decently. You’re anecdote means nothing.


I can build shatter every fight aswell focus the genji more. I haven’t had much of an issue with him since he was buffed rally and sound barrier also exist for ruining his experience.

Not to mention the gamble throwing a Grav at the one character who can actually turn it against you, especially if it’s the one viable counter and he’s thus expecting it.


Shoot the floor as zarya problem solved.