Genji getting nerfed (factual take)

The bottom line is that they can balance for equal impact, or equal popularity, but they can’t do both.

And there’s no gameplay reason to balance for equal impact, now that Role Limits are in the game.

And the only downside to that is losing far fewer players than they would lose over a bad matchmaker, bad queue times, and unpopular Supports.

And Ramattra is going to make all of that dramatically worse.

Like if the devs gotta lose 5% of the current playerbase to gain/maintain 20-40% of the playerbase. That’s just a smart business decision.

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The balance changes that would make the game more fun for everyone, would be to nerf THEM not the people forced to do everythin in their might to make the game playable.

Why is Zarya so powerful ?
Because of her bubbles, right ? - Yes, but what if her bubble is down ?
That’s when the insane hard-tanking come into play.

Bullet sponges arent fun, BUNKER wasnt fun and GOATS wasnt either.
And that’s why OW2 is already stale to most - It’s more fun being an undying behemoth of a Tank or DD then to be the reason they live so long.

No no, latency was added to Overwatch only and only to counter Genji.


Genji mains, honestly.


damn, you came up with that one on your own?

So your answer to “we don’t have enough support players playing” is “nerf them some more”

It won’t fly, since more people will leave the role. Blizzard had to get MORE people to play support, not less.

It is why I am VERY much in favor of increasing the supports base movement, since I don’t think more healing would be healthy though.


they should nerf all tanks a bit, tanks for some obvious reason have the most players right now. Tanks shouldn’t be unkillable raid bosses…

I suspect they will, and that is an unpopular take, but it seems obvious they will end up balancing for playerbase, and tank nerfs would be on the table for that.

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The fact that it was changed says enough. If not, then the change wouldn’t have happened. It was an internal change. Nobody even needs to question it at that point.

What killed OW1; what boring and stale metas at both the highest and lowest level of play dominated ?


What will happen if you have unkillable supports due to the lack or non existance dive-dds keeping the already insane healing in check ?

We’ll get those both back in one way or another.

What’s gonna kill the game quicker ?
→ fresh installs in a f2p format leaving the game because they cant handle their role, or
→ A stale, boring meta that sucks the fun out of the game for avid players who’ve been suffering through all of blizzs messed up design choices over the years ?


What will kill it quickly is lack of new players. Which will be driven by queue time imbalances.

Goats for all the DPS said “we are leaving” they didn’t. The DPS never became the bottleneck for queue times, when we came out of Goats by implementing roleQ, DPS was still the longest times waiting.

I suspect Overwatch didn’t lose that many people during Goats, since, Support and Tank was fun, and DPS never left in any real numbers.


Yup, I could easily see something like Winston Leap cooldown going from 5sec to 8sec, then buffing his bubble durability.

I hope they nerf both tbh, since the only skill needed for winston is good positioning.
All other tanks should get significant nerfs and then supps should get slight buffs to whatever imo.

Genji is tangibly overtuned and the Devs said he’s overperforming in every rank.

All flankers are going to be nerfed after this patch goes live (Tracer and Reaper have, now Genji and Sombra).

Once Sojourn is nerfed the DPS roster will feel a lot more balanced too.


To put things in perspective a bit.

Diamond through GM, is roughly 7% of the total playerbase.

And OWL is probably a net loss in profits.

Man all these genji nerfs and he is still a top pick, so who cares?

and then tanks become close to unkillable, yay

Then they can balance for that.

But they can’t have the supports leave - that impacts their bottom line. They won’t let that happen.

he is not top pick, he’s part of the top picks cause he hasn’t been nerfed yet. He’ll drop down a bit tho, while they’re nerfing stuff that shouldn’t be touched.

Problem is they suck at balancing tho

I’m always baffled by this response too.
idk what switches in peoples brains to go from support role bring unpopular to they should get nerfed.
Even if you’re thinking in terms of 2 supports vs 2 supports. Support nerfs just makes the support role less impactful than it already is.

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Tanks are more than killable rofl, the issue is people just shoot tanks all fight while they get pumped with healing from 2 Supports instead of going and killing the supports. People need to learn how to play in 5v5.

Hog will be annoying with Kiriko for sure but hopefully season 2 balance changes will address all that